Thursday, November 13, 2008


First,‭ ‬an excerpt from‭ ‬"The Allegory of The Alien‭"‬; one of the companion texts to the ebook

"By exploring the dichotomies that are present in the terrestrial tribes (concepts like right and wrong,‭ ‬rich and poor,‭ ‬beautiful and ugly, famous and anonymous,‭ ‬giving versus receiving,‭ ‬gaining versus losing, success versus failure,‭ ‬sex versus true love,‭ ‬among others‭)‬,‭ ‬the characters of the aliens on Earth involved in this Cosmic War‭ ‬-‭ ‬either the Confederates or the Consortium of Animals‭ ‬-‭ ‬induce each one of the inhabitants of the Earth to‭ ‬"lose his or her soul‭"‬,‭ ‬so as to accelerate the process of defining which one of these alien sides each one of terrestrials prefers,‭ ‬in order to establish an open and definitive contact with Earth in the near future.

For aliens,‭ ‬nothing is intrinsically right or wrong.‭ ‬It depends on the heart and on the beliefs of the person.‭ ‬You cannot lie to the aliens of Nirvana:‭ ‬/you can only lie to yourself./

This process of accelerating the spiritual choices of Neutral persons is gradual and customized for each Neutral individual.‭ ‬It is a process that evolves slowly from city to city,‭ ‬from region to region,‭ ‬from terrestrial tribe to terrestrial tribe,‭ ‬till all the Earth is taken by this‭ "‬spiritual hurricane‭"‬.‭ ‬It is actually a Quiet Revolution that evolved simultaneously in several fronts:‭ ‬/the Alien Quiet Revolution.‭"

A subject important like losing the soul is not touched again in the text except when it explains what happens when one does an‭ "‬auric payment.‭" ‬What I understand for‭ “‬auric payment‭” ‬is the process by which a victim submits to the thought implants,‭ ‬hypnotic suggestions,‭ ‬mind control and mind programming done to him/her by his mental,‭ pseudo-spiritual‬ and physical prosecutors.‭

‭Then, losing one's soul will be doing what one's prosecutors expect from oneself and not what one in one's heart truly wishes to do. Happily the authors have put it between quotes to denote something respecting the expression. But from the point of view of dharmic religions, the statement is utter nonsense. To back me up I have here a quote from the Bhagavad-Gita, Lord Sri Krsna says:

‭“For the soul there is neither birth nor death at any time.
He has not come into being,‭ ‬does not come into being,‭
and will not come into being.‭ ‬He is unborn,‭ ‬eternal,‭ ‬ever
existing and primeval.‭ ‬He is not slain when the body is slain.‭”

BG II.20

In dharmic religions it is believed that every part of a human being functions because that human body is inhabited by a divine spark:‭ ‬the soul.‭ ‬If one loses his or her soul,‭ ‬how will he or she do to continue living‭? ‬The only moment when a body loses his or her soul,‭ ‬in my view of reality,‭ ‬is when one dies.

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