Saturday, November 15, 2008


I like what the author writes in this section. I share PON's view of "vampirism." And what PON propounds in this section seems to be true. When Kundalini unleashed Herself in me I was 23 years old and I was already awakened for the last year and half. Provided that PON means "the reduction of your 'vampirism'" to the power over emotions that one may gain when arousing Kundalini. And about the literary talents one may acquire when one's Kundalini rises, I did gain them. When I saw my "vampirism" reduced dramatically, I was doing yoga periodically, almost daily. I gained a confidence with my feelings. This confidence took the place of the feverous infatuations with girls I had before. But at the same time it was not that I was immune to the beauty of the women that happened to appear in my path for some reason. I was not immune nor passive to them. I could approach and start a conversation with the ones that I liked. But it was strange because when I was not awakened nor with my Kundalini aroused, I also had facility to speak to girls I liked. But the desire implied in the two different situations, of before awakening and after and after the awakening of the Kundalini. Very different on themselves. When I was Adolescent I suffered a "pigeon hole"-type programming, and after it, I started being very much bold with women, very often winning those I liked.

This serves me to put forth for the first time in this commentary PON's concept of "pigeon holes." I do not know if I got the concept or theory of "pigeon holes" right. But I think I did. What I understood is this: the "pigeon holes" are manipulations of time and destiny in the walking reality and in the dreamworld for making one have a life experience that it is so, so traumatic emotionally that lets one meditating on it so deeply and so much as to cull many useful teachings out of it. But PON never went so far into explaining the concept of it. If it is that, I understand PON's original concept of "pigeon hole."

What I lived was finding by the streets of a city a very loved by myself ex-classmate and when she invited me to smoke some ganja, I declined and left her with her girlfriend, going away. When in fact I wanted to stay with she and become more friends, of what we were before, for telling her that I loved her. And after that, I have not seen her again.

This is what I think is a "pigeon hole" programming, but very basically. I have experienced other heavier emotional experiences were dreams are involved. I will comment on that when we come to the section that tells about "pigeon holes". What I want to let here in a comprehensible form is that when I was conditioned and without an aroused Kundalini, I could speak to girls I liked, but only after the "pigeon hole" programming. And the drive to do it was a besotted drive of infatuation without substance.

But after being awakened and after arousing my Kundalini I could coldly control my emotions when I flirted with girls and be more sober and confident. I do not want to praise PON saying that PON is a prodigy with the idea of "pigeon holes", but the hints PON gives about what the theory is about, the only information PON gives about them, were the positive and accepted sources of inspiration for this commentary; I have found it exceedingly interesting. It may be due to me believing that I had "pigeon holes" inserted in my subconscious in late adolescence and early youth. Extensive information on "pigeon holes" later.

To end my commentary of this section. I share the view of something needed to cope with the arousal of Kundalini. But to call it mental exercise is to deprecate Kundalini for what She is. PON borrows the philosophy from yoga but does not tell one that the only way of mastering it is making She to reunite with Lord Shiva at the crown of the head. For this, intense mantra yoga or other yogas may be needed. Not simple, cheap "mental exercises." But "pigeon holes" are not touched yet in the ebook. What follows is again, a fall towards non-acceptance and rejection of what PON writes.

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