Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Linux Sucks And It Died a Long Time Ago

Get prepared for some thoughts that I know dweebs, geeks and servile benders with aspirations of social mobility in the IT world will qualify as relentless trolling, but I can't help my feelings on this...

"It's like the Spanish Inquisition, a mental one. It's like if you had to report your life to them, like a slave, over and over, in such a way that your brain subliminally will have to ask them for permission to do anything in the Stage World, or wait to see what their sentences will say about what you have in mind, through their sick second-meaning "vocabulary". Realize that your linguistic prison is a mathematical Nazism ! Can you see now how deep the rabbit-hole goes ?"

Code-illiterates, Windows power-users, gamers shouldn't give a chance to anything *nix for they are developers' operating systems.

It's not simply a categories (user as opposed to developer) matter, for the way Windows users are used to use a pc computer, migrating even a single power user task from Windows to Linux or any other *nix might prove a total drag and a true digital nightmare.

Yet it's not a matter of difficult configurations or complicated uneasy practices at all, there is also an intrinsic bad, sub-cottage industry quality plaguing all FOSS available for these OSes (and these OSes themselves) that makes any slick-and-shine distro out there an unusable piece of trash destined for the compost bin since its very inception.

Power users and windows gamers shouldn't even lose time in trying out a real installation in their hard disk drives because of many reasons, one important: the ultimate futility of one of this kind of OSes most attracting features, the possibility of managing the OS' software by means of a package system where one boots a freshly installed OS' with applications preinstalled and has a catalog of applications, utilities and tools at one's disposition where also there is the capability of bulk-updating what's already installed.

It is not a question of non-user intuitiveness, that is granted in every *nix, it is more of a generalized negligence by the developers and also by all others who purportedly, and I would add even in a pamphleteer's way, are supposed to facilitate this beneficial world to computer users at large.

Now that UNIX-like OSes have massive worldwide acceptance, it is disheartening to see how the geek world of hackers, universities, dorks, twerps, (bs)coders, deluded savants,  digital nutsos,  paranoid cyber-activists, and the like, armors itself up while pretending to be the good guys, the last standing Davids against commercial, corporative conglomerates like M$... hence now I see them only as mere geeks or dweebs; not even deserving compassion for their psychopathic digital prison of devices of deception transvestized as applications highly esoteric but ultimately strict and punishing.

In a situation like that, trust can't stand. And what hurts me the most is that I am trying to learn Unix-like operating systems and the Internet for the last eighteen and a half years.

So it is obvious that I need to vent the frustrating disappointment for the buggard lie that FOSS, liveCD distros and the whole circus of Open Source, GNU, FOSS, Creative Commons and (socio-economically) upstart milquetoast geeks and nerds or academic tits... just a world of frustration and an arena for the geeks/dweebs that ate up farts confined in an, often tax-payer funded, university or college---slaughterhouse for the soul--- for tens of thousands of hours of punishment on-site, sidetracked by the society they think they're cleverly using to make themselves whatever they want to become.

"These ideas were purposely created with the intention of putting the human species to sleep, to blind them from the truth. And with the intention of transforming the linguistic prisoners in particular into slaves that should conform themselves to the speculation, to the brainwashing and to the idea of marching into a slaughterhouse like cattle in order to make their auric payment."

It is infuriating to see the editors, touts, shills and PRs of these products/NGOs/corps/whatever lie, saying that their distros or soft or products are for everyone, and friendly to those coming from Windows, when that is not really true but a piebald lie.

I wanted to go about having a Linux box without forming part of any Linux community; to be self-sufficient and not relying on anyone, nor having to sell my soul to the devil, as I did with Windows from the beginning in mid-adolescence on Win3.11.

I will never forget the first time excitement, and then messing up my MBR with Baby Linux back then in 1996.

From that day the sour frustrating experiences have been the greater part of my experience with everything *nix, even though I studied and used Windows, I always had spare time and resources for my Linux attempts.

So far I've tried

Baby Linux
Mini Linux
Lucent's Inferno
Mandrake Linux
Knoppix Games
Puppy Linux
Wary Puppy
Puppy Arcade

But is not only this, I can't stress this enough, the gnu and foss applications are shovel-ware, even in their Windows versions. Take Inkscape for instance, which is supposed to be the free alternative to Adobe Illustrator.

I take this program just to be somewhat fair because were I to pick something like the gimp, this article will become just a time-wasting catalog of vitriol, a trolling in flames, and total contempt for how dweeb and twerpishly cheating the gnu/foss scene is.

Calling this piece of crap 'Illustrator substitute' is an insult to Adobe despite what adobe means for a person who can see beyond the veil and call things for their name, like Adobe being a terrible peace of pay-to-win bloatware.

Is not that I try to use gnu soft as substitute because I don't have money to buy me a complete Adobe production suit.

It's because I simply don't like Adobe, for me it's bloatware. Now, Inkscape is bloatware, but highly dysfunctional and made by socially resented twerps, it shows in its complete un-usability.

It's totally jerky denoting the shovel-ware approach to software developing: the lack of regard for releasing an optimized piece of soft. The same goes for another FOSS-world application that also runs on Windows: Scribus, only Scribus is 1000% more cheating than Inkscape, and it’s supposed to be the free alternative to Adobe Acrobat.

They showed their real faces in the early two-thousands anyway, you know what I mean…

Knoppinx, anyone? Or… a FreeBSD (Berkley fart-central)  co-opting (or actually building up, as a sting operation I don’t know which) an organization called unixpunx.org!


"Can you see how deep the rabbit-hole goes ?

These ideas were created to reinforce the false notion that you're not the owner of your destiny. By accepting these ideas, the brain of a linguistic prisoner is encouraged to follow the external signs of guidance, whether through their sentences, through the orchestrated movements of their characters artificially creating "coincidences" around him or her, or through the "signs" that appear in a nightly dream."

This article was brewing since December 2011, when I begun to give my first steps in home-networking and self-hosting.

I have lived approximately two weeks of hell in late 2011, when trying to make use of Slitaz, Multicore, Clarkconnect, Liberte and Puppy Arcade to build something so simple as a self-hosted web server.

Finally I ended up setting up for Windows 2000 and XAMPP, because those server-oriented (Except Puppy Arcade) Linuxes where just crap in the form of an ISO.

Sometimes I think that in the state that those operating systems are, is in the state the souls, social skills, and conditioned realities of those which make them are, the perfunctory state of a non-entity’s lifestyle, conditionings and continual piss-drinking.

Now, I’m just unwinding from two days of frustration trying to make an OpenSUSE, in a laptop with broken display, act as a remote access server to use it with my Windows PC.

It was a hurdle after the other and had to reinstall one time, but finally I realized I should stop losing time with this crap and there is nothing worse than the reinforcement of one miser with the other… all the trouble of having to connect the laptop to my desktop monitor, plus the pathetic lack of functionality of OpenSUSE made me crazy.

It was a hurdle after another to do a thing that in a Windows machine with a monitor should take no more than fifteen minutes to set up. Well the fight lasted for almost two whole days and finally I decided to give up.

Why insist in something that is designed only with the purpose of making fun out of the user.

I repeat, I have eighteen+ years of experience with *nixes, but this time the offenses were very crude: fix one thing, break three, fix the three broken, the one you fixed at first magically/mysteriously/esoterically stops working.

I remember trying to implement Drupal (a blogging platform for dweebs without a life) once, well the experience of the past two days with OpenSUSE was similar to it: hell. Modify one thing and ten go down. Or accept the locks and lumps of hurdles BECAUSE THE SOFTWARE THINKS/SAYS SO, you lame-o.

When the lameness it’s evident that is coming from the developer side. Or take OpenSUSE‘s tones of green everywhere in the KDE environment, that should give you a clue: Linux in general is a piss-drinking scene where the bottom of the barrel of digital society discharges all the degradations, disparages, humiliations and conditionings imposed on them by their schools/peers, on a global scale… it’s on us not to feed the giant piss monster; or daemon more in this case of *nixes.

I felt so silly about forgetting not to trust Linux anymore, that I went to read forums of people crazy of hatred for Linux and finally, reading the horror stories of others there and feeling compassion I got the inspiration to finish this article which actually was ready to be published more than two years ago; adding the OpenSUSE story to it.

Then I went to my directory \!Rigs'\!OSes\nixes and deleted all this:


As we demonize ourselves doing what they want: prosecuting them with rants like these and feeding the GPM/GPD, I leave you with a thought and a question for you to answer it personally, if you share my view on these topics: do they victimize the "not-so-brilliant" (just the users, as opposed to them the developers) because in that segment of computer users there are the ones that are non-college educated, and could they feel with a greater right for the suffering they have been put through in that world where Internet was available before it became commercial, as to make those who don’t give a toad’s ass about academia pass, by means of their dysfunctional crapware, by all the humiliations they lived in their college/internships/jobs?


  1. sos de argentina?

    tengo preguntas
    tal vez respuestas
    pero mas que nada preguntas seguramente

    no se de computadoras
    la cosa es mas "espiritual" si asi puede llamarse

    te interesa?

  2. Hola, perdoname por la tardanza... a que vienen esa preguntas tan directas?
