Saturday, November 15, 2008



"The basic SICKLY AND DISTORTED idea embedded in THEIR speculation is convincing your brain that your wife (if you are a male survivor) or your husband (if you are a female survivor) is just creating you like a child, is just making you grow up, and then, when you become a grown man (woman), she (he) would liberate you to the other women (men), whom you should date and even marry in the STAGE WORLD."

Again, the most revealing example I have, to give PON the reason, is one related to the Hare-Krsna movement. What PON says under this head occurs in a very similar way in the Krsna's, let's say neo, vedic ashrams of their society. The stages of life are divided in four orders or stages namely brahmacarya (student) 0 to 24 years of age, grihastha (householder) 25 to 49 years of age, vanaprastha (retired) 50 to 74 years of age and sannyasa (renounced) 75 to 100 years of age.

When a devotee is groomed in the brahmacarya stage, if the devotee is male, he is actually encouraged to see and treat all women as the own, biological, mother. Note I said groomed, the idea of becoming a demi-god in the process is imperative. Additionally, everything pertaining the marriage may be arranged although the devotees may deny it. It is so arranged by their gurus, familiars and, they will argue, God Himself. And the gurus are considered the 'spiritual father' of the devotee. But I remind the reader that the Hare-Krsnas do accept the label of brain washers with commitment, resignation, love and happiness. At least that is what they expressed to me.

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