Saturday, November 15, 2008


I lived the most aware moments of my life when I was living the solution to spiritual, energetic and emotional 'milkers' as propounded by Dion Fortune. When I went to live to other country in a different continent. I point this out because I want to note that one can be awakened but one's Kundalini may not deploy as it should.

I happened to realize with an everyday rigorousness and knack that I have not had before; when I lived in detrimental places. When I lived in a place where my mind could go with the flow I could express my feelings and share them, I could practice different yogas everyday and I wrote around three hours per day. I am not implying that I needed to harmoniously flow, mentally and emotionally, to be able to do it, but I am sure that if one is surrounded by, for instance, brutish and barbaric laborers that live in a way that is quite the opposite of evolution, one is going to be in the need of making a stand for being able to live differently. Because one is going to become a target of the control systems and their brainless automatons and these automatons detect when one goes against the flow in a society. They can start psychodramas of envy, jealousy, jaundice and resentment. At this point somebody can question me what is my argument and justification to decide what is evolution and what is not, and to judge persons by their social class. In fact, I do not know what argument I can give for doing it, just common sense. Meaning by common sense my view on things, shared with my equals, because we follow a particular religion and share a set of traditions, views, beliefs, rules, regulations, customs, practices and so on.

The only and most essential thing needed to live lovingly, freely, pleasurably and serenely happy is being able to live among equals that do not quarrel energetically, mentally, physically, spiritually nor emotionally with one. In the case of hostile neighbors, for one's dignity, I do not see living otherwise out of living making a stand. I will always be looking for a quarrel when away from home, living among enemies, if there is that I have a reason to live like that. But, since I have the experience of paradise (the real home, when one's heart lives) and the promise and the goading certainty that it exists, I will make that stand with love, hope and a grave happiness that my enemies cannot have for not knowing at all how life out of hell is.

What I want to let clear here is that if one is surrounded by jealous and envious, hostile neighbors/enemies that coincidently are in lower rungs of the evolutionary ladder they may target all things alien to them of one's personality like being kundalinic, ritualistic, compassionate, neat, clean, nifty, stylish, satisfied, lonely, intelligent, loving, fortunate, cute, spiritual, talented, enterprising, sober and so on.

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