Wednesday, May 26, 2010

This month I have done eight full bore weight trainings and four mild sessions of hatha-yoga.

I did no less than three days per week without nutritional supplements nor an adequate diet. Worst of all, I did not recover fully after each workout.

This has proven good to a point as to test my limits but I don't plan in doing it anymore. At first I thought that after three years training I could do without supplements, a good diet and without taking time to recover. But I ended up exhaust.

If I have to choose between the two disciplines, I'd choose doing more hatha-yoga full bore per month than weight training.I have already projected and tried to follow this 12 full bore work outs and 14 mild hatha-yoga sessions per month but that has proven totally demanding and not satisfying at all.

Doing the 12 full bore weight and 14 mild yoga a month and 14 full bore yoga and 12 mild workouts every other month wouldn't be easy. It didn't work out with only 8 full bore weight workouts so I am trying the following routine for the next two months to see if I can endure it:


16 full bore yoga sessions and 8 mild work outs and 2 full bore. This, I will try to do with proper diet and proper recovery time.


14 full bore yoga sessions and 8 mild work outs and 4 full bore. This, I will try to do with proper diet and proper recovery time.

After this sudden attack of chronic fatigue for making the wrong choices I am keeping the last six days of May for mild hatha-yoga practice.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Progress In My Physical Edge

In the last couple of months I've managed to change my diet to one more balanced pertaining acids and bases. Besides this I've also devised a plan to be able to be practicing weight lifting along hatha-yoga.

I changed my schedule and the approach I used to these two disciplines. My idea, once implemented, ended up being the following routine:

First training weight lifting in a mild manner, like doing only three different excercises, like abdominals, one specific exercise that can be arms or back and shoulders until I reach from fourteen to sixteen sessions of hatha-yoga at full throtle, that is no less than six asanas per session.

Then stopping the full throtle hatha-yoga sessions and starting to train weight lifting full throttle, meaning abdominals, three specific exercises (like preacher bicep curls, concentration bicep curls and wire bicep curls) and shoulders in each session, until I have ten of these full throttle weights sessions completed.

In the meantime doing short hatha-yoga sessions of only two or three asanas. I finished already one heavy hatha-yoga cycle and one light weight lifting cycle and, at the moment, I am by the fourth full fledged weight session and keeping up with the light hatha-yoga sessions.

So far, it is giving me results. Now that I have the diet bettered I need to better it even further, as being able to reduce carbs and increase fiber and proteins. This will be my next task pertaining physical evolution.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

THIS IS A 18th OF FEBRUARY POST that I couldn't post for security problems.


I come here around hundred days after my last uninspired flirtations with yogic culture.I do not know exactly why I felt, for the last hundred days a complete aversion to any sort of bettering and sobering up of the self, I don't know yet.

That is a third of a year, and it is somewhat alarming.I realize that it isn't easy for a yogui to be aiming to tread the path of yoga in an averse environment as an epicenter of meat industry is.

But on second thought, I mustn't be very much hard on myself for this fall of the last hundred days. I need to plan out my month of workouts in a better way. If I am going to have my stomach all upset for a bad planned diet and a fast metabolism that incites me to eat around six times per day it's just not funny, let alone healthy.

I must plan it in a way that the weight workouts days don't interfere with the hatha yoga's need for mitahara...I have all the workings of the jail-like, barbarian, western megalopolis figured out.

In its emasculation of a reallly healthy and transcendental culture and philosphy of life it tries to condition even the unconditionable. When the reasonings of the hive minds in one's head aren't bought anymore as own thoughts, the ways of the western systems of control and barbarian hive-minds are decidedly blunt and thoughly cohesive and forceful in its infusion of anxiety and impatience for extracting pleasures and benefits from material things.

Working out is not very much funny because of the uncleanliness of the place and of the rank-and-file sort of persons that go to the gym I go, that is on the same block where I'm living. The gym is so much full of germs that for the time being there it clogs my nose so deeply with particles and mucus denoting infection, that it changes my life in a very deep way and for the worst...

This of having the nose clogged for the germs living in the uncleanliness of the gym is a total downer. If I am unbalanced with a bad diet is quite obvious that I would have low defenses and get this kind of nose infections all the time. But I am not giving up.

I need to have the strength of designing a better diet and sticking to it for the sake of being able to continue lifting weights as a means of evolving physically.I have just had an idea, I will split the months in two. In one month, two weeks I'll eat six meals per day and do three full throtle workouts per week, while the other half of the month I'll revert to four meals per day and do yoga no less than four days per week and workouts two times per week, but not full steam like in the first half of the month, but mildly in comparison.

After a nonchalant summer, that is about to finish, of not doing nothing for evolving physically I am fed up with sloth and the intertia of the surrounding demons that live like hogs. I am not letting that interfere with my personal path anymore. I'm not giving up yoga nor weight lifting, NEVER!!!
1, 2, 3.... THIS IS A TEST OF W.BLOGGER V4.02