Saturday, November 15, 2008


"Now there are practically no neutrals anymore in the STAGE WORLD, but the idea remains the same. THEY are characters. YOU KNOW. THEY are all pretending. YOU KNOW. THEY come from and go to the BACKSTAGE reality all the time. THEY have their HELICOPTER trips and their crystals activated. THEY act around you all together like bees, but THEY really DON'T enjoy playing around like monkeys. THEIR goal is to set a 'circus trap' for you. So WATCH OUT!"

This reminds me about the example of the anchor woman I told about before. If someday PON appears, I will ask him/her what were the "circus traps THEY" planted for him/her. Were they of the "Come-and-Have-Fun Approach"?

I think that in my case they were of the "Come-and-Have-Fun Approach" sort. It may be because when it happened I was more known to her and her "characters", long after the censuring by air, and being them public persons they could only help in building a comical synchronicity just to demonstrate something. It was some design I experienced a day returning from a party. It was mainly their element, since the argument of the synchronicity was based in their megalomaniac stance towards life. Was it a design to make me laugh and stole that from me?

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