"In other words, their speculation is capable of producing "vampirism", and this you can apply to literally every case of linguistic prison. Don't believe me : verify yourself. Take a look at pictures of pre-hurricane veterans of OUR SIDE a long time ago, mainly when THEY were young.
Pay attention to reports bringing these pictures from the Fifties, the Sixties, the Seventies, or else do your own research. Analyze their auras. You'll see that everyone of them had "vampirism"."
Pay attention to reports bringing these pictures from the Fifties, the Sixties, the Seventies, or else do your own research. Analyze their auras. You'll see that everyone of them had "vampirism"."
"And by influencing some society values in distorted ways, they reinforce for your brain the idea of impediment. What is important to say here is that there is no impediment whatsoever for you to do anything, provided that they don't use it later against you."
I accept and share the view of PON pertaining almost all the theories in this section. The objectionable passages are discussed below.
"Kundalinic shells are not 'prizes', 'rewards', 'salaries', 'benefits' or 'gifts' that you could 'receive' in the future, with or without the illusion of "auric death". Realize that there is no receiving and no winning at all. There is no "lottery" in the Backstage. Shells are just modeling clays. And nobody really cares about you in the Stage World. Not one of their characters gives a penny for you in the Stage World.
Do you believe that you have an impediment to have this relationship with a kundalinic shell of your beloved one in the Stage World ? Ask yourself. Do you believe you need it to reduce your vampirism ? Ask yourself."
I think this section is one of the most enlightened of the whole ebook. Perhaps it is, but I do not think that "kundalinic shells" cannot be idealized as "prizes" or "rewards." It may be that they are not actually prizes, but I do think that when "loved ones" are involved one can idealize them as prizes and rewards. And the struggle or "competition" for obtaining that loved shell, can be also idealized. One may not be the only one who has chosen a determined person to be her or his "loved one." In that case, one will have to win the "loved one." Assuming that one does not know the intentions of the "loved one" about her or his love. Besides, does "loved one" mean a relation, physical or protospiritual, where the two persons are completely sure of the of the exclusivity of the other's feelings towards oneself?
I am afraid that PON gives too much importance to the common, base feelings of the dregs of society and spirituality. I note it because I used to overdo it as well. Now I am taking the toil of dissecting PON's entire ebook because I doubt I will find again somebody expressing my own 'paranoid delusions' in the precise, exact way PON does. There is a great cure for all of the bad things enumerated in PON's ebook, and that cure is the obliteration of one's ego and pursuing of one's ideals blindly, with eyes and ears closed to both "stage" and "nagual realities." But sometimes it is not possible to do it. Or, in any other case, it may not be desirable for oneself.
"Depending on the case, THEY will say : that shell is too young for you, too old for you; too pretty (or handsome) for you, too ugly for you; that shell is famous and you're not; that character is poor (if you're rich) or vice-versa; that shell is black (if you're white, for instance) or vice-versa; that character is Jew (if you were created in a christian family or depending on the country you live if you were born in an arab family) or vice-versa; the character of that shell "doesn't combine" with yourself, and so on.
The point is : do you have any prejudice concerning age, race, sex, attributes of the character like job (if applicable), social class, nationality, "personality", "preferences" in the Stage World, likes and dislikes, little manias, etc. ?"
If one starts making a list of attitudes, like this prejudices that one has to bear in both "nagual reality" and "stage reality" as one being "THEIR" victim, one may find that dozens of attempts at washing one's brain are done to one daily. The only remedy being moving elsewhere; a place where you live among equals. A place where you do not need to suffer a society, a workplace, and a neighborhood where "THEY" and "THEIR characters" are "dealing with your case."
"Remember : the hurricane is over in your city and probably in your entire country. The secret Cold War is practically over in the Stage World. The OTHER SIDE can no longer manipulate neutrals and use them to turn the things you do in the Stage World against you. The characters of OUR SIDE are not sadistic monsters. Whatever you do, do with Love. The rule of the Backstage is Love."
As of the writing of this I cannot comprehend completely the concept of "hurricane." I do not feel any of the few things that happened in the world, that I witnessed or felt, as this so-called "hurricane." What are the readers of the ebook expected to think "the hurricane" is? I could not do another thing than interpret it in my way. The point that I do not share about it, is of it happening at once for a determined group of people only, mainly geographically. I think that "the hurricane" may be: a spiritual awakening, a metaphysical turning point of life, a crisis period, the moment one joins a cult, a traumatic experience and so on... but I am sure I am missing the point. If some day PON becomes available for questions, she/he must be questioned about details on "the hurricane." Does PON mean a real hurricane that devastates a place and, letting the people without nothing, forces the victims to experience "a complete paradigm shift" of their life?