Saturday, November 15, 2008


"In other words, their speculation is capable of producing "vampirism", and this you can apply to literally every case of linguistic prison. Don't believe me : verify yourself. Take a look at pictures of pre-hurricane veterans of OUR SIDE a long time ago, mainly when THEY were young.

Pay attention to reports bringing these pictures from the Fifties, the Sixties, the Seventies, or else do your own research. Analyze their auras. You'll see that everyone of them had "vampirism"."

"And by influencing some society values in distorted ways, they reinforce for your brain the idea of impediment. What is important to say here is that there is no impediment whatsoever for you to do anything, provided that they don't use it later against you."

I accept and share the view of PON pertaining almost all the theories in this section. The objectionable passages are discussed below.

"Kundalinic shells are not 'prizes', 'rewards', 'salaries', 'benefits' or 'gifts' that you could 'receive' in the future, with or without the illusion of "auric death". Realize that there is no receiving and no winning at all. There is no "lottery" in the Backstage. Shells are just modeling clays. And nobody really cares about you in the Stage World. Not one of their characters gives a penny for you in the Stage World.

Do you believe that you have an impediment to have this relationship with a kundalinic shell of your beloved one in the Stage World ? Ask yourself. Do you believe you need it to reduce your vampirism ? Ask yourself."

I think this section is one of the most enlightened of the whole ebook. Perhaps it is, but I do not think that "kundalinic shells" cannot be idealized as "prizes" or "rewards." It may be that they are not actually prizes, but I do think that when "loved ones" are involved one can idealize them as prizes and rewards. And the struggle or "competition" for obtaining that loved shell, can be also idealized. One may not be the only one who has chosen a determined person to be her or his "loved one." In that case, one will have to win the "loved one." Assuming that one does not know the intentions of the "loved one" about her or his love. Besides, does "loved one" mean a relation, physical or protospiritual, where the two persons are completely sure of the of the exclusivity of the other's feelings towards oneself?

I am afraid that PON gives too much importance to the common, base feelings of the dregs of society and spirituality. I note it because I used to overdo it as well. Now I am taking the toil of dissecting PON's entire ebook because I doubt I will find again somebody expressing my own 'paranoid delusions' in the precise, exact way PON does. There is a great cure for all of the bad things enumerated in PON's ebook, and that cure is the obliteration of one's ego and pursuing of one's ideals blindly, with eyes and ears closed to both "stage" and "nagual realities." But sometimes it is not possible to do it. Or, in any other case, it may not be desirable for oneself.

"Depending on the case, THEY will say : that shell is too young for you, too old for you; too pretty (or handsome) for you, too ugly for you; that shell is famous and you're not; that character is poor (if you're rich) or vice-versa; that shell is black (if you're white, for instance) or vice-versa; that character is Jew (if you were created in a christian family or depending on the country you live if you were born in an arab family) or vice-versa; the character of that shell "doesn't combine" with yourself, and so on.

The point is : do you have any prejudice concerning age, race, sex, attributes of the character like job (if applicable), social class, nationality, "personality", "preferences" in the Stage World, likes and dislikes, little manias, etc. ?"

If one starts making a list of attitudes, like this prejudices that one has to bear in both "nagual reality" and "stage reality" as one being "THEIR" victim, one may find that dozens of attempts at washing one's brain are done to one daily. The only remedy being moving elsewhere; a place where you live among equals. A place where you do not need to suffer a society, a workplace, and a neighborhood where "THEY" and "THEIR characters" are "dealing with your case."

"Remember : the hurricane is over in your city and probably in your entire country. The secret Cold War is practically over in the Stage World. The OTHER SIDE can no longer manipulate neutrals and use them to turn the things you do in the Stage World against you. The characters of OUR SIDE are not sadistic monsters. Whatever you do, do with Love. The rule of the Backstage is Love."

As of the writing of this I cannot comprehend completely the concept of "hurricane." I do not feel any of the few things that happened in the world, that I witnessed or felt, as this so-called "hurricane." What are the readers of the ebook expected to think "the hurricane" is? I could not do another thing than interpret it in my way. The point that I do not share about it, is of it happening at once for a determined group of people only, mainly geographically. I think that "the hurricane" may be: a spiritual awakening, a metaphysical turning point of life, a crisis period, the moment one joins a cult, a traumatic experience and so on... but I am sure I am missing the point. If some day PON becomes available for questions, she/he must be questioned about details on "the hurricane." Does PON mean a real hurricane that devastates a place and, letting the people without nothing, forces the victims to experience "a complete paradigm shift" of their life?


Seemingly, the manners of "THEM" for brain washing one with the "GOIN BACK HOME" technique are true. I say this from a point of view of remembering personal experiences. I lived some times the symptoms and upon verification I was very deluded and dumbfounded when I realized that there was no real basis for a resurgence of... my love for ex-girlfriends. Thus feeling the, dubiously real, "auric death." This happened to me when I was still a jivan. These situations, in which brain washings forced me into, were like teachings on themselves, about the futility of trying the relive dead love that before was alive but it was not anymore. But, for PON, the only "continuity" that is allowed is an ever changing one that cannot allow any reliving of the past?

Why? Take for instance the example of one who decides to write her or his own biography. Indefectibly one is going to relive the past. It will be in the mind, reckoning memories, but it will be a reliving of the past after all. And what is wrong with that?

When PON denies the existence of "biography" and "continuity" in the "nagual reality", PON is denying the personal development that jivan persons or illumined persons may have achieved through the years. Remember that, nevertheless, the situation of being a jivan soul does not imply that the person is, invariably, mentally or emotionally deaf-mute. One given person, being jivanmukta or not may carry on a protospiritual life and, possessing a protospiritual 'personality', may have had developed a 'spiritual biography' after any deeds in the "nagual reality." Whether if a personality and a "biography" in the "nagual reality" may prove noxious to a jivan because of all the negative mind sets brought about by the individuated stance towards life, or not, is just a case of personal, egoistic protospiritual seeking.

I think that after all this ebook is totally detrimental to the protospiritual, psychologic and social development of a person in need of some transcendental advise. PON embellishes some very unlucky things, like mental implants and indoctrinating brain washings, as just "character guidelines", I think it is very serious... sections like this one let me thinking about the intentions of PON. Was PON's intention to figure some day in the list of the books most detrimental to human evolution?

"When you have your crystal activated, access to the pigeon-holes stored in your brain and also to the Backstage itself, you'll be able to play characters in the Stage World, to have your shell changed and also to make use of particular abilities the same way Neo and Trinity did in "The Matrix" when accessing instant "programs" to learn things."

Here the author promises the readers a future on some invented mystical Cyberland that I doubt exists. One can change one's shell, that is accepted. But my personal, painful experience is that having "pigeon holes", if it is that they are what I think they are, may prove useful for gaining ability "to play characters in the stage world", but the other powers, namely "to have your shell changed" (in the way propounded by the author's examples) and to make "use of particular abilities in the same way Neo and Trinity did" like somersaulting from a building's roof to other roof and stopping bullets with the power of thought? And the only thing one needs to achieve that is an "alien crystal" in the brain? Give me a break.

Besides, here, PON begins the delusive and obscure use of the word "crystal". I could not get the concept of what a "crystal" is until I re-readed the parts in the ebook where it is named again and again. PON, elsewhere in the book, says that a "crystal" is either "an alien crystal implanted in your brain by aliens" or "technology." The conclusion I have arrived to, after many interpretations is that these said "crystals" are implanted in the aliens' victims by means of either a physical or an astral 'operation'. Other rationales, those that I first thought of, were that the "crystal" is simply TV, radio and Internet or even that the "crystal" is one's capability to reflect sensations, feelings and emotions. But seemingly, the sense in which PON talks about it is in the sense of alien "technology" implanted in one's brain, literally.

"You're a survivor of the hurricane, and THEY are all characters. THEY are all pretending, like phantoms around you, and they read your mind all the time, manipulating it and your thoughts through the association of ideas, double-talk and artificial synchronicity.

Pavlov did this to mice in a lab, manipulating only acts and behaviors instead of thoughts. Is that how do you want to feel ? Like a rat in a maze ?

Ask yourself : do you trust their characters ? Do you think they are reliable ? They want to manipulate your brain and induce you to take your aura to the altar of sacrifices. Their characters do not want you to be happy. They want to deceive you, they want to take energy from you. Stay alert. Watch out."

If one interprets this and where it reads "characters" one thinks of mosquito-brained automatons, that only do and know what the systems of mind control dictates them and lets them know, then I think this passages are fairly acceptable for their coherence. I wonder in which ways PON is cataloged in the Internet for his or her writings, but I think that the ruthless label of "schizophrenic", among many others, that I have read do PON no justice at all. But lets not call PON a prodigy neither, because "the praises are false."
Yet, I share this view of "THEIR" characters.


"Wait .... This part is pending.."


One does not need to be afraid of She. One just needs to be sober and respectful with she when one feels that She has risen. I became conscious of Her ascent only after being practicing yoga for six years, when I was studying "Kundalini Yoga" by Swami Sivananda Saraswati. I was living in an apartment in a cemetery. The summit of my yoga there was a night of astral projection. But I was very young. I could not harness her power in the first tries... I got dengue fever! It mashed my bones for around three weeks, but then She rescued me with yoga and rehabilitated me in the ten days that followed. I was a kid of 23 years of age. I was doing all sort of spiritual practices, but at the same time acting like a 23 years, like accepting all the whimsical treats that industrial society was putting in my path. Perhaps more austerity and sobriety would help me, instead of having been eating ice cream by cemeteries and crematoriums I could be doing something else.


"Since the day you were born, mainly if you're a westerner person, your brain has been bombarded with the false association between the excitement state of your sexual organs and feelings like guilt, fear, desire, sin, shame, prohibition, and so on.

Now you may have to deconstruct all these false associations and dichotomies embedded in the very cultural or religious environment in which you have grown up."

When living in bad places, and where I grew up during childhood and adolescence the negative feelings related to my sexual meditations and feelings were always of filthiness.

Living among barbarian "alligators" a little kid and even an adolescent excited sexually feels like a filthy hog with prickly heat
The barbarians who eat animals, they deconstructed, when they have sex, they are just bags of corpses interchanging secretions
The feeling for sex in the atmosphere deep down into the barbarian shambles is to feel like a dead hog


I do not know if it is so. What I know is that, coming all women and men on earth from the same heavenly matrixes, I note that there are certain women and girls that look like as if they are daughters of the god Brahma of the Hindu pantheon. For what I have seen of depictions of goddesses, gods, demigods and devas of the Hindu pantheon, through the centuries and millenia they are depicted with the same faces. A racial memory storehouse exists to keep the depictions of the gods with their original faces. So, if one wants to see why I reject this section for oneself, watch a picture or video of the musician Beth Orton. You did it? Okay. Now search for a picture of Brahma with a close shot of of His face. What do you see? Two persons with certain similar phenotype. If you can, watch the movie "Sleepaway Camp" (Hiltzik 1983) or "Elvira Mistress of The Dark" (Signorelli 1988) The protagonist of the latter and the character Judy of the former, and Beth Orton, if you discern it, they have all three a similar phenotype.

"Sleepaway Camp" I watched this movie when I was a kid. I could not forget it but I forgot the face of Judy. This was in or around 1988. Then, at nineteen I lived the story for which I think this chapter is a brain washing targeted at me. Do not take me for paranoid, after all it is for many reasons that I am writing this commentary. Excuse me if you watch the movies and do not like them. Neither did I. But I need it as a proof to expose my personal problem with this section. Just keep in mind how Judy ends in "Sleepaway Camp."

To begin with, only from PON's twisted view of things can come those interpretations about Kundalini: "BOILED", with boils full of puss? "COOKED" by certain witch whose surname happens to be Cook? "FRIED", with a bad kundalinic acid trip? "GRILLED" on a gridiron that resembles a matrix? In "THE FIRES OF HELL" when Kundalini goes or may go the opposite direction?

We see that PON uses all hot images. Now, what happens if a mentally deaf mute and jivan yogin of nineteen years happens to be passing a holiday with a friend. He is not doing yoga for the time being. An evening he goes outside with his purposes... "YOU KNOW", and then finds a Brahma filled girl, or heavenly fox ("foreigner"), who happens to be trained in yoga and a second language just like the boy character of this example, that's just a few of the things they have in common.

And after they end her virginity that same night, they decide to continue meeting.

They meet a few times again. They share a passionate and unalloyed love. But then something very psychologically devastating for the boy happens: they are giving themselves very passionate French kisses to each other and when the boy opens his eyes, he starts to see the face of his Nazi ex-classmate (the bully of the class), with whom he played homosexually in childhood, instead of the girl's face.

What is important, I said the character was a mentally deaf mute jivan. An encounter when he de-flowers a goddess-looking girl, and a long relation with a seemingly "foreigner" girl like that could be almost the only grace he could have, but no. Not even that the meshes of the western systems of control will allow. Too much dangerous, two westerners, a teen and a post-teen, of yogic tendencies together as a couple.

I have never read nothing so misleading like this ebook. This section is a good example. Once one has watched this three girls (remember to purchase and watch "Sleepaway Camp" to get the full meaning) just relate how the character Judy ends, with the keywords PON uses in this section.


I like what the author writes in this section. I share PON's view of "vampirism." And what PON propounds in this section seems to be true. When Kundalini unleashed Herself in me I was 23 years old and I was already awakened for the last year and half. Provided that PON means "the reduction of your 'vampirism'" to the power over emotions that one may gain when arousing Kundalini. And about the literary talents one may acquire when one's Kundalini rises, I did gain them. When I saw my "vampirism" reduced dramatically, I was doing yoga periodically, almost daily. I gained a confidence with my feelings. This confidence took the place of the feverous infatuations with girls I had before. But at the same time it was not that I was immune to the beauty of the women that happened to appear in my path for some reason. I was not immune nor passive to them. I could approach and start a conversation with the ones that I liked. But it was strange because when I was not awakened nor with my Kundalini aroused, I also had facility to speak to girls I liked. But the desire implied in the two different situations, of before awakening and after and after the awakening of the Kundalini. Very different on themselves. When I was Adolescent I suffered a "pigeon hole"-type programming, and after it, I started being very much bold with women, very often winning those I liked.

This serves me to put forth for the first time in this commentary PON's concept of "pigeon holes." I do not know if I got the concept or theory of "pigeon holes" right. But I think I did. What I understood is this: the "pigeon holes" are manipulations of time and destiny in the walking reality and in the dreamworld for making one have a life experience that it is so, so traumatic emotionally that lets one meditating on it so deeply and so much as to cull many useful teachings out of it. But PON never went so far into explaining the concept of it. If it is that, I understand PON's original concept of "pigeon hole."

What I lived was finding by the streets of a city a very loved by myself ex-classmate and when she invited me to smoke some ganja, I declined and left her with her girlfriend, going away. When in fact I wanted to stay with she and become more friends, of what we were before, for telling her that I loved her. And after that, I have not seen her again.

This is what I think is a "pigeon hole" programming, but very basically. I have experienced other heavier emotional experiences were dreams are involved. I will comment on that when we come to the section that tells about "pigeon holes". What I want to let here in a comprehensible form is that when I was conditioned and without an aroused Kundalini, I could speak to girls I liked, but only after the "pigeon hole" programming. And the drive to do it was a besotted drive of infatuation without substance.

But after being awakened and after arousing my Kundalini I could coldly control my emotions when I flirted with girls and be more sober and confident. I do not want to praise PON saying that PON is a prodigy with the idea of "pigeon holes", but the hints PON gives about what the theory is about, the only information PON gives about them, were the positive and accepted sources of inspiration for this commentary; I have found it exceedingly interesting. It may be due to me believing that I had "pigeon holes" inserted in my subconscious in late adolescence and early youth. Extensive information on "pigeon holes" later.

To end my commentary of this section. I share the view of something needed to cope with the arousal of Kundalini. But to call it mental exercise is to deprecate Kundalini for what She is. PON borrows the philosophy from yoga but does not tell one that the only way of mastering it is making She to reunite with Lord Shiva at the crown of the head. For this, intense mantra yoga or other yogas may be needed. Not simple, cheap "mental exercises." But "pigeon holes" are not touched yet in the ebook. What follows is again, a fall towards non-acceptance and rejection of what PON writes.


Sometimes, PON's approaches towards kundalinic wisdom seem utter disinformation to me. Why did not PON developed this and other very delicate subjects in the ebook? Who is PON? Or more properly, who was PON at the moment of writing what she/he wrote? Was a young, perhaps adolescent Kundalini yogini or yogin that wrote this as just an exercise of Kundalini yoga? The point is that more or less, PON only relates Kundalini towards being aroused sexually. Being, formerly, a Kundalini yogin I feel that PON is only giving just very basic indications about what Kundalini is and what She produces in the body of the ones that seeksto arouse She. When PON was writing this book, PON seemingly was still a "linguistic prisoner." In this section PON does not tell one that the western way of sitting, that one in a chair and letting both legs hanging, is detrimental to health and consequently to any kind of yoga work. I myself do not sit in chairs, unless I am visiting a place where one has to sit and those are the only chairs available.


I lived the most aware moments of my life when I was living the solution to spiritual, energetic and emotional 'milkers' as propounded by Dion Fortune. When I went to live to other country in a different continent. I point this out because I want to note that one can be awakened but one's Kundalini may not deploy as it should.

I happened to realize with an everyday rigorousness and knack that I have not had before; when I lived in detrimental places. When I lived in a place where my mind could go with the flow I could express my feelings and share them, I could practice different yogas everyday and I wrote around three hours per day. I am not implying that I needed to harmoniously flow, mentally and emotionally, to be able to do it, but I am sure that if one is surrounded by, for instance, brutish and barbaric laborers that live in a way that is quite the opposite of evolution, one is going to be in the need of making a stand for being able to live differently. Because one is going to become a target of the control systems and their brainless automatons and these automatons detect when one goes against the flow in a society. They can start psychodramas of envy, jealousy, jaundice and resentment. At this point somebody can question me what is my argument and justification to decide what is evolution and what is not, and to judge persons by their social class. In fact, I do not know what argument I can give for doing it, just common sense. Meaning by common sense my view on things, shared with my equals, because we follow a particular religion and share a set of traditions, views, beliefs, rules, regulations, customs, practices and so on.

The only and most essential thing needed to live lovingly, freely, pleasurably and serenely happy is being able to live among equals that do not quarrel energetically, mentally, physically, spiritually nor emotionally with one. In the case of hostile neighbors, for one's dignity, I do not see living otherwise out of living making a stand. I will always be looking for a quarrel when away from home, living among enemies, if there is that I have a reason to live like that. But, since I have the experience of paradise (the real home, when one's heart lives) and the promise and the goading certainty that it exists, I will make that stand with love, hope and a grave happiness that my enemies cannot have for not knowing at all how life out of hell is.

What I want to let clear here is that if one is surrounded by jealous and envious, hostile neighbors/enemies that coincidently are in lower rungs of the evolutionary ladder they may target all things alien to them of one's personality like being kundalinic, ritualistic, compassionate, neat, clean, nifty, stylish, satisfied, lonely, intelligent, loving, fortunate, cute, spiritual, talented, enterprising, sober and so on.


In this section my everlasting interest in the subject felt somewhat defrauded when I read the things PON had to say about "the arrival of Kundalini."

To a title like that I will add that when one feels Kundalini's arrival one will feel like acquiring a finer perception of one's body and soul; specially if one is trying to arouse it by means of any kind of yoga. Relatively simple, normal and common processes like breathing can become a source of knowledge and fun! I am of the opinion that Kundalini's activity can be channeled in any way.

Moreover, pertaining the powers that She bestowed, there seems to be a constant that when Kundalini is awakened in oneself, one can become a literary prodigy.


The resumed definition the ebook gives of Kundalini is good. But PON forgot to add that once one acquires the qualities that come along Kundalini arousal, one may keep them although one may fall from the full-fledged, graceful, kundalinic platform. To use one of PON's phrases here: "what is assimilated is already assimilated." If one changed one's way of life because of kundalinic arousal, then one is going to act accordingly. At least that is my personal experience. Kundalini arousal on myself has shaped my personality and, consequently, the way I lived after it happened.

When I begun doing yoga I started feeling sporadic periods of intense kundalinic influence. This happened when I was in my late teens. I begun doing yoga when I was eighteen years old. Remembering those years I have the recollection that, while it was patent that my Kundalini was rising, I was not prepared for experiencing it. I was very, very young and, most important, I was still unwakened. But when after three years of yoga practice I was illumined and, became a buddha, I felt very much at ease with Kundalini.

It is said that one of the signs of Kundalini's arousal is being too much creative; almost to the point of becoming a genius. I am sure that I have experienced Kundalini acting on me before illumination because of my obsession with graphic design and the ability to express it, almost, (almost, because of not being awakened) successfully. After my awakening this obsession became an everyday task. And then came the poetry, fiction prose, non-fiction, and drama writing.


Returning to the "pigeon hole" programming or planting topic. I see the moment of approaching a "loved one" as a test from "THEM" to see how much has one learnt from "THEIR pigeon holes THEY" planted in one's brain. If one behaves like a subjugated person, mainly if one does not react, and just stares the "loved one" indefinitely, and stays passive, one may fall prey to the very irony and aim of PON's theory of "pigeon holes" indoctrination by "THEM."

I am sort of upset with PON and the world of "THEM" in general, because I am remembering my programming. I want to say to PON the following: why you behave like a great occultism scholar when you are clearly not? It is very depressing to see that, when one picks a topic from the ebook, one has to deal with the ebook's cryptic, core-hard-to-crack nature of it, just to find the delusions and flawed techniques of, seemingly, an eternally conditioned soul. Are you that, piece_of_nothing?

I dare PON to enter the blogging scene and be the shepherd of the school he/she may have created in this last eight years, so we all can become friends. What about your meetings, you do them? If not, I am going to start a ranking of most dangerous ebooks and rank PON's as the 1st.


"If you're a MALE survivor and some day finally make true love (the so-called fusion) with her using a certain shell, and afterwards this shell gets pregnant and she leaves the shell, would you agree with the idea of letting your and your wife's genetic child to that couple (that shell without your wife plus her partner) to create ? (if you do, mentalize "GOOD FATHER FOR OURS KIDS" whenever you see him)."

This paragraph makes me think about a grandiose paranoid delusion I seem to have for the last 5 or so years. This delusion is about being in love and dating a "foreigner" girl; this happened to me in my middle adolescence. What is important is that when I read this paragraph, and this other one, from "Dismantling keyword HANDICAPPED (plus DISABLED PERSON, CRIPPLE, BLIND, DEAF, DUMB, PARALYTIC, MONGOLOID, FREAK, MAIMED, LAME, etc.)"

"And if you're a man, there is still an additional issue : you may have now a child that is your son or daughter, after your semen has been extracted in one of these meetings in the past, when you were officially a neutral person. You know you'll know this child. It's only a question of time. You will like him/her."

I can just think that PON is talking, again, of something that happened to me. One day when arriving in a Katmandu, Nepal, I think it was the third or four time I went to Katmandu, a new thought unfurled in my mind and started to try to instigate some reaction respecting it. The thought was that one of my girlfriends, in adolescence stole some semen from myself and then inseminated herself out of my knowledge and permission. And that the kid was, at that particular moment when I arrived to Katmandu, 9 or 10 years.

But meditating this again and again, I have diverged in two differing conclusions. One, the most uncanny of the two, is that this girl was in fact more than a "character", I thought that she could be a "foreigner" in human disguise; this, for different reasons too difficult to explain to somebody that has not lived the things I lived nor seen the things I saw, pertaining "foreigners."

I do not know if I will have the drive to tell you about those things later in this book. But as a reply to PON's answer if I will let them or not to "create." I would not, because that girl now is just a woman that looks totally different, and is an expensive hooker that sells her body for her fatherless son. PON meant re-"create"? More artificial sons, why?

The other conclusion is that I was being prey to a brain washing taking on account my knowledge about Carlos Castaneda's books. I feel that whoever was trying to brainwash me with this story of my artificially inseminated son, knew that I knew this of Castaneda. If one is conversant with it, what the character "Gorda" tells in "The Second Ring of Power" about the soul of the persons who had sons or daughters... "YOU KNOW."

About Carlos Castaneda I can say something that one may give to it some use. When I read Castaneda at nineteen or twenty years of age, I have found it like the most mystical and refined occult and 'godly'... fun thing to read. But after studying vedantic and tantric scriptures I have come to the conclusion that Castaneda may be a hoax. But forgive me, please, the memories of Castaneda, his missing disciples and the Yaqui Indians that he, allegedly, studied.


"What would you say if your beloved one appeared to you using a shell and a character that has a boyfriend (girlfriend) or perhaps a husband (wife) in the STAGE WORLD ?

Would you be jealous ? Would you be angry ? Why ? Ask yourself.

Or would you have plain understanding and comprehension that everything is just a performance; that that partner she (he) is with is just the partner of that shell, not her (his) partner; and that this shell was already dating/marrying him (her) before your beloved one borrows it temporarily ?"

A young man with telepathic powers falls in love with a diva. Let me take someone looking "foreigner" to give an example here to see if I understood the question. Take for instance Björk. He calls she in his heart and mind and he thinks he is developing a spiritual relation with she.

Björk becomes his "loved one" and he carries her, or he thinks he does, in his heart; only having love for she. Then, four years later, he discovers that for the last three years Björk is married to somebody else. Then, the young telepath will feel defrauded, how can he understand what PON asks the readers to understand?


"Let's say now that your beloved one appears in your routine, using several shells. To define what kind of relationship you want with her (him), these are some questions you may want to reflect on before THEY induce you to :"

"Do you value her (his) shells ?"
"Is it important to you ? Or totally irrelevant ? Ask yourself."

I will value the "shell" of somebody that I like. I think that everyone may think and feel that one has the best taste and the, differing, taste of others is wrong in some way. When I like a "shell" I do not only like it because it is cute and attracts me. I will value the "shell" because if she has such a cute body, it means that she has a good soul inside. It is important, because as much cuter is a "shell", more goodness of the soul living inside it denotes. It is a karmic law.

"Do you believe there must be an intrinsic relation between the so-called beauty of your present shell and the so-called beauty of her (his) present shells ? Why ? Ask yourself."

Just karmic laws at work. If one sees oneself cute enough as deserving a "cute shell", the most probable reaction will be that one will encounter that "cute shell." In a longing frame of mind, it may be even possible for one to find the "shell" of one's dreams.

"What about the characters connected to each shell ? Do you value her (his) characters ? Do you have any preference concerning this or that character that she (he) may use ? Why ? Ask yourself."

One of her "characters", the one that she has chosen to manifest to myself, is the "character" of an innocent freshman female, and shows me a picture of herself wearing a punk girl "shell", but in fact she is a sluttish porn actress and uses a totally different "shell" when she is shot. Then I will prefer the innocent student girl "shell" instead of the porn fox one.

"Do you believe that there must be a similarity between some characteristics of your present 'life' and some characteristics of a specific character of hers (his) ? Why ? Ask yourself."

Yes, I do. If we are not equals or similar, when together, how will we get along without quarreling?

"Do you believe there are any restrictions for your present shell to have a relationship with any specific shell of hers (his) ? Why ? Ask yourself."

Only in the case of she being betrothed to someone else. Or in the case of an extreme "shell", like the example of the female freshman, punk and porn fox.

"You are NOT a character because you don't have your crystal activated and because THEY don't recognize you as a character. How do you think this fact may influence your relationship with her (him) ? Do you believe you have to behave like a character for her (him) or with her (him) ? Why ? Ask yourself."

No, I do not need to behave like a character, because she is not my "loved one". PON did not say "your loved one appears in your routine"... PON said "beloved one." An alternative "loved one." I do not want to sound misleading, but what if you have a "loved one" and feel attraction to other "shells?" It would not be love but you will want that love to originate and rise. But to behave like a character, yes, I will have to in the case of other contenders looking for the "prize."


I think this section is bizarre. Does the author take the reader as a stupid? If one has an idealized "loved one" inside, and works faithfully to a reunion someday, then, why one is going to approach one of "THEIR characters" with sexual intentions?



"The basic SICKLY AND DISTORTED idea embedded in THEIR speculation is convincing your brain that your wife (if you are a male survivor) or your husband (if you are a female survivor) is just creating you like a child, is just making you grow up, and then, when you become a grown man (woman), she (he) would liberate you to the other women (men), whom you should date and even marry in the STAGE WORLD."

Again, the most revealing example I have, to give PON the reason, is one related to the Hare-Krsna movement. What PON says under this head occurs in a very similar way in the Krsna's, let's say neo, vedic ashrams of their society. The stages of life are divided in four orders or stages namely brahmacarya (student) 0 to 24 years of age, grihastha (householder) 25 to 49 years of age, vanaprastha (retired) 50 to 74 years of age and sannyasa (renounced) 75 to 100 years of age.

When a devotee is groomed in the brahmacarya stage, if the devotee is male, he is actually encouraged to see and treat all women as the own, biological, mother. Note I said groomed, the idea of becoming a demi-god in the process is imperative. Additionally, everything pertaining the marriage may be arranged although the devotees may deny it. It is so arranged by their gurus, familiars and, they will argue, God Himself. And the gurus are considered the 'spiritual father' of the devotee. But I remind the reader that the Hare-Krsnas do accept the label of brain washers with commitment, resignation, love and happiness. At least that is what they expressed to me.




"Do you believe that you have to "jump" into some kind of "auric burning abyss" so as to make your "auric sacrifice" to the Gods ? Do you believe there is a Santa Claus, "gift" in hands, waiting for you soon after you commit an "auric suicide" ? You bet there is not. The only thing you'd find would be a tremendous waste of energy, besides emotional suffering. Is that what you want ?"

What does all this mean? Does it mean approaching with loving intentions one of "THEIR characters" instead of being faithful to the "loved one" inside? Thus "comiting auric suicide" irrespective of the outcome of the approach?

But then again, if the "auric death" is an illusion, why one has to have to consider the ways in which "THEY" may want to induce one to experience it? It is all altogether a lie and a waste of energy, specially for those who try to brain wash one with these techniques.

"The same occurs with this SUICIDAL APPROACH. "Let die" is an image that can bring you the idea of falling asleep after an arduous and tiring day, for instance. They may use this expression "let die" referring to a situation where you allegedly "turn off" your controls for a long period - either because your mind is tired or because it is confused - so as you can dive into their illusions, into their DREAMWORLD-TO-SELL that doesn't exist."

These brain washings, these... "behavioral inducements", if coupled with situations in which one is milked of one's energy, may let one at the mercy of the environment's inertia and any ideals of perfection are thwarted. "THEY", mediocrity and its demons, won and one starts to behave like "THEY" want.


"Now there are practically no neutrals anymore in the STAGE WORLD, but the idea remains the same. THEY are characters. YOU KNOW. THEY are all pretending. YOU KNOW. THEY come from and go to the BACKSTAGE reality all the time. THEY have their HELICOPTER trips and their crystals activated. THEY act around you all together like bees, but THEY really DON'T enjoy playing around like monkeys. THEIR goal is to set a 'circus trap' for you. So WATCH OUT!"

This reminds me about the example of the anchor woman I told about before. If someday PON appears, I will ask him/her what were the "circus traps THEY" planted for him/her. Were they of the "Come-and-Have-Fun Approach"?

I think that in my case they were of the "Come-and-Have-Fun Approach" sort. It may be because when it happened I was more known to her and her "characters", long after the censuring by air, and being them public persons they could only help in building a comical synchronicity just to demonstrate something. It was some design I experienced a day returning from a party. It was mainly their element, since the argument of the synchronicity was based in their megalomaniac stance towards life. Was it a design to make me laugh and stole that from me?


I think that this bombastic, obscure, topsy-turving example has been written just for the sake of building a frame for this sole sentence:

"Do you see how the seed of speculation has been planted over the last decades ?"

And what has this:


to do with all the babble of the above? Granted that western scientists are practically clueless about what a philosophy of life really is, and granted that the story of the star of Bethlehem is a lie without any true astrological basis... should I visualize "stock of knowledge measuring" and "stance towards western science fishing?"


This example apparently alludes to an idea deeply rooted in society's collective mind. The idea being that one has to sacrifice one's freedom, dignity and happiness just to be like everyone else; to be accepted in society. Since almost everybody is conformist in any modern society is no wonder that nobody questions this approach. Those living in the fringes of society, artist, monks and such are, perhaps, the only ones that have views on this approach. The rest are conformist by their very own nature.


Reading the corpus of texts that a Google search served for the parameters


I came to a stream of western metaphysical and esoteric ebooks, essays and such. By now, except one of them that seems to be written by a Hindu, “The Matrix Decoded.” them, the ebook commented here being one of them, all of these ebooks seem to be written without a religious consideration of reality. I am writing this commentary because staying passively after reading them and not doing nothing could not be a way to be for a person religiously minded as myself.

I dislike profoundly this example. Specially pertaining my “loved one” because it degrades the spiritual rules and regulations aforementioned, those pertaining the dharmic religions. You can call them anyway you like, I am talking about what PON is truly meaning in this example.

One can call them rules and regulations, they are not to be followed only in the “tonal reality”. They are scores of rules that one can find compiled by acharyas (saintly teachers) in cent prized booklets. I have not seen these fanzine-like brochures belonging to any Vedanta nor Shakta religions but I did see these booklets by vaishnava acharyas. These rules are taken directly from the revealed scriptures, what I said before, that are believed to be written, many of them although not all, by the Godhead Her/Him/It/self.

If one has a faith, the thing one will never do is questioning that faith. A person like me, who believes in it, thinks that ultimately it is true. But that all these rules and regulations can be used for the manipulation of the masses, I admit it, and I will give you an example: the dharmic view of the creation is of it passing by four ages, namely satyayuga, tretayuga, dvaparayuga and kaliyuga in the revealed scriptures of the dharmic religions there are rules for each age in particular. And since some of the revealed scriptures were written in the initial ages of the cycles, many rules for that age only may be on them. Unscrupulous persons can take advantage of this or be mislead by this. As if, goes someone with lack of knowledge and starts living by the rules of a gone age. From a point of view of plain ignorance is it good to negate the existence of rules, but please note in which way transcendental rules and regulations can be dangerous although not undesirable at all.

If you get the essence of “The Matrix Decoded” you will understand why I do not like this example. Call it pre-marriage celibacy, puritanism, 'Elvis Syndrome' or anything you like, but if I am going to marry, virtually forever, my "loved one" and dharmic rules give a transcendental explanation about why my choice of staying untouched sexually until I marry my "loved one" is correct, then you will begin to understand what I mean by thinking that dharmic rules manufactured by God Her/Him/It/self are good. The rule is to be followed because of many reasons, being the most important for the world not bringing to it undesired population.


I was very ill-equipped, when I was a jivan adolescent, to surmount all the brain washings, mental implants and programs and synchronizations I suffered when growing up in very demonic place. They were all tended to elicit a blind responsibility and a blind bearing of obedience towards the main theme of the implant on itself, more or less 'you should cut your hair and your beard, buy a suit and go to search for a job in the city or elsewhere around the industrial districts.' Nowadays, I see the same argument sublimated, in the “hive-mind” thoughts of envy, jaundice, resentment and jealousy of human and sub-human jivans far below in evolution's ladder. The point is that I did feel the attempts of jivan enemies rejecting my illumination and my expositions of it, as if they were saying that the previous condition of jivan in which I was messed up, “CANNOT-BE-CHANGED” when actually “THAT'S THEIR LIFE, THEIR PROBLEM.” So what to say of this prosecuting demons and ghosts if they have the conceited belief that for only being able to speak or hear with their minds they are already awakened, while in fact they are not.


“These are two ways of selling the same illusion : the illusion of inevitability of "AURIC DEATH". In the second case, THEY are trying to inculcate in your brain that, no matter how many exercises you do, soon or later your AURA will "die".”

I dare say that the theory in this example may be right. But I have only experienced this approach in very subtle ways. For instance, when trying to quit smoking among equals in orient I was almost always successful. Yet, in occident it was different. In occident thoughts like 'the point in living the life is in living it in a sensual way, if it is with cigarettes, welcome be that way, and to die! If it is that it has to be' when knowing that my ideal of health and purity never can contemplate an abhorrent thought like this one.


Happily PON here, explains the meaning of “losing his or her soul” from “The Allegory of The Alien” text. Still, it is incredible that each time the word 'reincarnation' appears somewhere, one has to think that "THEY" are brain washing one telling one that one's soul will someday die.


Because of examples like this one I say that I think this chapter is very much far-fetched. I will give an example and then I will explain why I think it is a biased theory.

Suppose "THEY" do not “respect your limits” anymore and "THEY" start using one's own mind, distraction and innocence as tools against oneself. If one is a jivanmukta one has a very vivid ideal of perfection. I, for instance, cannot bear it when the insidious, collective mind (of certain place that knew me when I was a jivan) continues trying to mess me up by means of my own mind and, adding darkness to my experience of reality, intends to make me err; like it did in the past.

If "THEY" succeed then I would feel cheated. Being a jivanmukta I can choose between passively enduring it, for developing spiritual qualities (useless for a jivanmukta that is supposed to already have them) or thinking of it as an offense to my liberated state; that does not deserve something like it, anyway. But then, if I am a jivanmukta that chooses the latter case, I would think 'There is no justice in their darkening of my mind for making me err, I am jivanmukta but they are sometimes able to mess me up, so they must pay me in some way the reparations for what they made me lose.' And from this feeling, that they are indebted with me, I start thinking in how to avenge myself. I would be in my own right to do so because, at first, I had the power of discerning that when I did something wrong I did it because "THEY", the mental leeches and the emotional crooks, where in my mind darkening it with mires to make me err and end up breaking something, losing something or messing up something.

Hence, my personal view on this example is that sometimes may be useful to think in terms of a “debt” that "THEY" must pay.


As PON refers to the ego he is returning to the “delirium trumans” theory. “THEY” inculcate in one the existence of the ego so one becomes obsessed with the mental projection of one's own self, thinking that it, or any other thing, is one and also thinking that is not possible to live without having an ego. So life goes on and being egoistic one cannot achieve illumination.

“Being purified by his intelligence and controlling the mind with determination, giving up the objects of sense gratification, being freed from attachment and hatred, one who lives in a secluded place, who eats little, who controls his body, mind and power of speech, who is always in trance and who is detached, free from false ego, false strength, false pride, lust, anger, and acceptance of material things, free from false proprietorship, and peaceful — such a person is certainly elevated to the position of self-realization.”

BG 18.51-53

How will one attain self-realization, I.e., illumination, awakening or “activation of one's crystal” if one is prey to any of the obstacles named in the three verses above?


By the example 3 of chapter 12 I have decidedly rooted for PON. In this example PON is telling almost literally what happened to me in my early twenties when I was awakened. Note that “BIRTHDAY” has “SPIRITUAL AWAKENING” as an intended second meaning. This is one of the sections of the ebook where I feel myself definitely targeted and attacked. I will relate briefly how it happened for showing the coincidence of the awakening with the "PRESENT."

It was a Friday, I was in the city of my childhood and loitering by the downtown, with schoolmates, the events concatenated in a way that I ended up, around midnight very high in a mixture of tobacco, alcohol, cocaine, cannabis and LSD. Then came a moment when, as I was about to sit down, I blacked out and fell inside an ocean of endless bliss. It lasted for five or six seconds and I was brought back to reality by the chit-chat remarks of a nearby friend. It can be argued, from the point of view of persons like, for instance, Meher Baba, that if I needed that heap of drug to reach dharmamegha samadhi I am not really awakened. I accept it if one has that point of view, but I do not share the view. Look how mysterious that Meher Baba attacked the drugs as means of reaching dharmamegha samadhi, but then eerily he took a silence vow until he died. When I was prosecuted by jivans not liking my 'uncondition' of jivanmukta, I researched and found about Meher, but I did not buy it from the beginning, since dharmamegha samadhi can be attained by the use of mind-altering substances. The evidence is clearly stated in sutra one of book four of the yoga sutras.

Then, after that, the voices came. I can picture, in a defective way, how it felt if I say that before being awakened my thoughts were bi-dimensional and after the event they became fully blown three dimensional mental trips. From that same night as well. Soon after it occurred I started to walk alone around the city. I started to hear the voices of my friends calling me or simply telling my things in very weird way, everything in the mind. Since it was a Friday there were parties and things around and much youth. In a street, I found a group of two young adults like me with two girls. They said they had just met, meaning the two girls did not knew the two boys from before. They say they are resting after seeing a concert. One of the girls stands up and I steal a kiss from she, I do not why I did that, it was just compulsive. But when we found that we are both from the same district of the city we stick together. We three leave the two other boys. Now the girl starts to abuse me in the middle of the avenue as we are crossing, protruding her hand inside my arse, doing it in a way that I do not know if she is doing it out of love or out of what other feeling. But she does not tell me to go away, we continue frolicking intensely in front of her friend until the bus comes and in the bus, well... you can imagine, "YOU KNOW." She lived around five blocks away, but nothing else happened with she out of that night because one day I went to look for she and her parents, markedly two “DOGS”, won't allow me to see her.

Months passed. I missed her, she was very cute after all... I go to wait for her at the exit of school and I find, unexpectedly one of my former classmates. He was one of the stage crew of a renowned local punk act, but now he is working as a postman for the state! The brain washing is evident, and how ugly that it ends Orwellian when the girl goes out of the school holding hands with someone else. But what to expect in occident after one's awakening?


Well, I have not experienced this approach with conjugal love, but I did with fraternal love. It was with the krsnas. The brain washing was: 'you have to give up your former friends and your family. Your family and your friends and your future wife are all krsna devotees. And along your former friends, family and girlfriends you have also to give up your former possessions. They are just obstacles in you spiritual evolution.' I hope my example serves as a warning for others.


Since I am a jivanmukta I have never suffered this approach unless, perhaps, when I was a jivan. I do not remember how I felt for the girls I liked when I was a jivan, but I think I was brainwashed with this approach, at least with one girl. I cannot remember nor realize how I came to be brainwashed in this way but I think I was because I remember longing very, very much for a girl from school and not knowing how to speak to she, whilst feeling a terrible awe and feeling of inferiority towards she that I have not experienced with anyone else.

Thursday, November 13, 2008



This is the main root of the distorted, illusory, sickly, demented and delirious BRAINWASHING system THEY perform thoroughly over your mind, which you may label as "THE AURIC SACRIFICE DOCTRINE", and which you need to dismantle and literally smash from its very foundations.

This system has been artificially and intelligently placed in the songs you hear, in the movies you watch, in TV programs, in advertisements, in the radio, and of course in the sentences you hear and images you see all the time.

It is based on the cynical, hypocritical and false idea that you would have to make a so-called PAYMENT or buy a so-called TICKET, in order to get access to the BACKSTAGE reality, which THEY try to sell you as a delirious DREAMWORLD that simply doesn't exist.”

I think of the opening paragraphs of this chapter that they are so bombastically far-fetched that I did not what think about it until I thought I could do some research about what it says in lyrics, the evidence was appalling. Take a little bit of it and realize for yourself what I say:

"You had something to hide
Should have hidden it,‭ ‬shouldn't you
Now you're not satisfied
With what you're being put through
It's just time to‭ ‬pay the price
For not listening to advice
And deciding in your youth
On the policy of truth
Things could be so different now
It used to be so civilized
You will always wonder how
It could have been if you'd only lied
It's too late to change events
It's time to face the consequence
For delivering the proof
In the policy of truth
Never again
Is what you swore
The time before
Never again
Is what you swore
The time before
Now you're standing there‭ ‬tongue tied
You'd better learn your lesson well
Hide what you have to hide
And tell what you have to tell
You'll see your problems multiplied
If you continually decide
To faithfully pursue
The policy of truth
Never again
Is what you swore
The time before‭”

“Policy of Truth‭” ‬by Depeche Mode

Refer to the "keywords dictionary" for getting the meaning of the lyrics' 'brain washing.' In this particular case I see the brain washing as a positive one.

I cannot give other example out of what happens when one wants to become a Hare-Krsna devotee.‭ ‬The movement Hare-Krsna is allegedly based on love.‭ ‬But it is not so‭; ‬at least not anymore as it maybe was when it just begun‭; ‬back in the nineteen-seventies.‭

The only first-hand experience of monastic life I have... it was acquired after I took shelter in Lord Sri Krsna's feet in my early twenties.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬from the beginning,‭ ‬the experience was not based on love,‭ ‬but on all sort of coercions,‭ ‬fears,‭ ‬needs and social designs.‭ ‬In occident the point is that,‭ ‬either you pay for your place in an ISKCON ashram or you pay them your stay with slave labor.

The fanatics‭' ‬arguments are very contradictory on themselves.‭ ‬They would say‭ '‬everything belongs to the Lord,‭ ‬so let's trade heroin in wholesale quantities'‭ ‬or‭ 'l‬et's pirate collector items massively',‭ ‬or‭ '‬let's go begging shamelessly every weekend,‭ ‬for food,‭ ‬shopkeepers have to give it to us,‭ ‬it's our right',‭ ‬or‭ '‬let's accumulate as much 'resources' (wealth) as possible,‭ ‬for using them in the services of the Lord'‭ ‬and other reasonings of this sort,‭ ‬all gravitating around the‭ "‬everything belongs to the Lord‭” ‬mentality.‭

I went to a‭ '‬seva‭' ‬of Krsna.‭ ‬If one goes on a guided tour of a Krsna mandir one should ask the devotees to show one the‭ '‬seva.‭' ‬But then,‭ ‬when one wants to buy,‭ ‬note that I say‭ '‬buy‭' ‬not‭ '‬beg‭'‬,‭ ‬a scripture from them, in their flashy shops or stands,‭ ‬they are going to charge one three times the price of a normal book.‭ ‬They are very inflexible with payments;‭ i‬t is possible to be charged in advance in an ISKCON guest-house.‭ ‬Do you get the point of the greediness at play there‭? ‬And it is a religious institution.‭ ‬It is like... very contradictory,‭ ‬but it is very palpable:‭ ‬they apply the law of‭ “‬everything belongs to the Lord‭” ‬with the objects that belong in material nature or 'maya'---objects that they covet---and they exploit at will,‭ ‬yet,‭ ‬they sell you their‭ '‬spiritual world'‭ ‬for prices higher than any, supposedly, non-spiritual object.

This of paying for having access to Krsna's‭ “‬nagual reality‭” ‬is just the beginning in a long list of conditions they will try to teach one and make one follow.‭ ‬But the krsnas call‭ '‬spiritual‭ ‬world‭' ‬to the‭ “‬nagual reality‭” ‬and‭ '‬rules and regulations‭' ‬to the myriad conditions they allegedly follow and will try to indoctrinate one about.‭ ‬Then,‭ ‬if you do not see the point in some of them,‭ ‬and if you ask them why it has to be that way,‭ ‬they are going to tell you that the original writer and compiler of the scriptures is the Lord Himself and they have to be followed without questioning‭; ‬only if it is that you are still a jivan,‭ ‬of course.‭

Other point,‭ ‬one may emerge spiritually,‭ ‬live spiritually and be awakened with them,‭ ‬but they are not going to allow one to any of the advanced‭ '‬platforms‭' ‬if one is still a neophyte.‭ ‬They will try to indoctrinate one with the idea that for reaching the‭ '‬transcendental platform‭' ‬one will have to work very hard.‭ ‬Until then,‭ ‬one is considered to be in‭ '‬maya‭'‬,‭ ‬I.e.,‭ ‬totally clueless about how to behave,‭ ‬live and feel in the‭ '‬transcendental platform.‭'

And the krsnas accept Lord Buddha as an incarnation of the Godhead---the‭ ”‬Confederate of Nirvana‭” ‬remember‭?‬---so one can include Krsna's devotees in the label‭ “‬THEM.‭” ‬I will tell you more,‭ ‬when I was with the krsnas we had talks about brain washing and they admit to brain washing neophytes who aspire to become devotees‭; ‬these were not from ISKCON,‭ ‬they were from the other math‭ (‬school‭)‬.‭ ‬But they say that it is a very positive brain washing and a prerequisite for becoming an aspirant to initiation‭; ‬this beside the‭ ‬1788‭ ‬mantras one is advised to chant daily and following a list of‭ '‬rules and regulations.‭'

I share the view of PON for this chapter.‭ ‬With all those beautiful things PON says about love I‭ ‬do not have nothing left to tell about love.‭ ‬The author expressed my view of love with his definitions of it.‭

“Erotic love,‭ ‬if it is love,‭ ‬it has a premise.‭ ‬Loving from the essence of the self---and living the other person in the essence of that being---.‭” (‬Fromm‭)



This is‭ ‬2008,‭ ‬the old media now has to compete with the new one.‭ ‬With the Internet one can customize the way one accesses the news and at the tip of fingers one has a myriad of choices.

If one discovers that watching the old TV,‭ ‬hearing the old radio or reading the old fashioned newspapers is a means for‭ "THEIR" ‬persecution and victimization of oneself,‭ ‬then the only thing one has to do is stop the TV watching,‭ ‬radio hearing and buying of newspapers.‭ ‬Period.

If you cannot do any of the above you can try denying‭ "THEIR" ‬speculation.‭ ‬Note that PON in the first chapters urges the readers not to recognize their speculation and then propounds the method of deconstructing all along the ebook...‭ ‬if one practices the deconstructive method,‭ ‬one is ultimately recognizing their speculations.‭ ‬It is a contradiction. Other than that, of course, the advises of not letting the stomach empty when there is danger and of using a discman or walkman outside of one's house are valuable.

As the chapter goes by,‭ ‬in the quick reminder c, PON touches a very,‭ ‬very interesting topic:

“Besides, you may have to consider your regional aspects, like the predominant culture and laws of the country or state/province where you live. THEY may manipulate this culture and these laws to keep you under THEIR control.”

When traveling around the world I saw myself in very difficult bureaucratic situations.‭ ‬If what I was put through was what I think it was it deserves to be called‭ '‬bureaucratic terrorism.‭' ‬I am originally from occident.‭ ‬But I lived in Asia where I was decided to stay‭; ‬for settling there. ‭When you travel with few resources because you are a twenty-three years old young adult you are going to find bureaucratic difficulties that require money to be surmounted. I do not say unlawful, but ultimately bad intentioned, legitimate laws that can be used as a weapon by the bureaucrat “characters”, like zero percent of assistance, at the structural level, meaning going to countries where an embassy or consulate of my country of origin did not exist at all.

Pertaining the nightly dreams,‭ ‬why PON did not tell of keeping a diary of dreams to develop the capacity of remembering all,‭ ‬or as much as possible with as much as possible luxury of detail,‭ ‬of one's dreams‭?

When I was offered with the possibilities and choices of what to do from one of that countries, I did not choose the unlawful,‭ ‬non-painful path.‭ ‬I Think the advice in general is good.‭ ‬Specially the one of developing the habit of not letting the stomach empty to be a prey to psychic attacks.


Western academic,‭ ‬social and institutional structures are insidious and godless‭ “‬linguistic prisons.‭” ‬They use material,‭ ‬non authoritative systems that have control as their common,‭ ‬underlying end.‭ ‬A system like western psychology that tries to label and categorize a non graspable thing like the mind with labels such as‭ '‬psychosis‭'‬,‭ 'cyclothymia'‬,‭ '‬mania‭' ‬and so on, has another name for what the author calls‭ “‬trumanization of the world around you,‭” ‬they call it‭ '‬broadcasting telepathy‭' ‬and it is counted among the symptoms of schizophrenia.

I confess it:‭ ‬I was prey to the‭ “‬trumanization‭” ‬of my life.‭ ‬When I was an unsuspecting jivan and‭ ‬after awakening too.‭ ‬My first experience was when I was an adolescent.‭ ‬I do not forget that I was targeted and hit by an anchor woman pertaining my actions.‭ ‬She openly censured my Internet activity on air.‭ ‬Then,‭ ‬after awakening,‭ ‬many years after the success,‭ ‬around six,‭ ‬I saw an American series,‭ ‬I do not remember which one in particular,‭ ‬using an expression my father used to use to deprecate the protospiritual way of life,‭ ‬that I have not heard never before:‭ '‬mental wankinism.'‭ Changing this gross subject, ‬I am desirous of categorizing PON's ebook.

‭“Artificial Synchronicity, Language Manipulation, Kundalini and the Corners of Reality" (intended original name)
“Matrix brain washing‭” (simplified name given to it by someone else on the Internet)
'the blind leading the blind‭' ‬or‭ '‬How to become a REAL source-of-life jivan in more than‭ ‬20‭ ‬practical lessons‭'

With the method of this ebook one may impress teenager vampires,‭ ‬but I think it is not serious at all.‭ ‬By the sole mental volition one will produce when one‭ “‬labels,‭ ‬categorizes,‭ ‬reduces,‭ ‬classifies and compartmentalizes‭” "THEM" ‬one is also feeding‭ "THEM" ‬giving to‭ "THEM" ‬one's time and energy.

But very enlightening points the ebook also has.‭ ‬It is questionable why they are not openly explained.‭ ‬Some are not explained in depth.‭ ‬In this chapter when PON says that any mental theater or mental augmented-by-media theater are bad but does not tell the reader why.‭ ‬Just gives the reader its own concocted notion of how to cope with it:‭ ‬constant blind negation of everything and‭ “‬categorize,‭ ‬reduce,‭ ‬classify and compartmentalize‭” (‬deconstruct‭)‬.‭ ‬One can reduce all of PON's methods to Dion Fortune's only way of coping with psychic parasites,‭ ‬emotional crooks or mental leeches:‭ ‬moving out of town to a place where one likes more and feels at home‭; ‬where people like one‭ (“‬survivors‭”) ‬are concentrated.‭ ‬Concepts like making a protospiritual/mental warfare stand with deconstruction are good,‭ ‬but ultimately it does not‭ ‬give a way to cope with the situation if it really is that you did not look out for being on it and that you want to live in a lovingly romantic way and not in a world of constant quarrel.‭ ‬But coping ways there may be plenty,‭ ‬like selling your TV set.‭ ‬By the way,‭ ‬who is PON‭? ‬A life-member of the akashic library‭? ‬I ask because of the following paragraphs:

“That's a LIE, too. There is no Messiah coming. You're NOT going to "save the world", because the world has already been saved during the hurricane, remember ? You're not Jesus, nor Buddha, nor Allah, nor Moses, you are just and only YOU. Just ONE MORE person.

Likewise, the archetype of the Messiah is also present in many Hollywood movies. It's either associated with the person who deciphers a code or a mathematical problem, or to the one who actually 'saves the world' : that's Neo in the movie "The Matrix", that's the mathematician in "Independence Day", that's that boy in "The Faculty", or Arnie in "Total Recall", for instance.

Well, these movies are commercial and therefore need a Messiah to sell the movie. That's the way the STAGE World works, at least for THEIR characters.”


Here is clearly exposed what the ebook tells that it is going to expose about double-talk.‭ ‬If you are an innocent or an evolved person you are not going to give any importance to what other people is talking about‭; ‬that you hear by the street or elsewhere.‭ ‬But it is sad that in the case you do,‭ ‬you are surely going to remember the ebook and you will start to ride in a delusional roller coaster because incapacitated of doing something loving, selfless or constructive,‭ ‬quarreling antagonists may use this method.‭ ‬They will try to label you a‭ “‬DOG‭” ‬or a‭ “‬BABY.‭” ‬Take my word for it.‭ ‬I share the author's view on this subject.‭ ‬My personal experience is that they do.‭ ‬They reveal themselves with it,‭ ‬showing that they are resented and do not have a better way to feel,‭ ‬nothing else to do than‭ ‬let those feelings out. What is it called? Jaundice?

I never came to be very enmeshed and ensnared in a system of control that uses sophisticate psy-op methods like PON names. It may be that I lived secluded from society from my late adolescence. Besides, for the last ten years I am an awakened person. But the story of why I lived secluded from society's commonplaces begun a night that talking with friends one of them said something about party culture that has let me thinking what I wanted to do with my life. This happened when I was 18; I was still a jivan. I could not forget that conversation and many times meditated about it. It was enlightening because in the deprecating way my friend spoke about famous people addicted to partying I was left to make the comparison between a life of study and individual evolution or a life in society lived "like cattle", and I have chosen the former.

8-C to‭ ‬8-F



I think that one of the fundamental cornerstones of the web page‭ and ebook “‬Artificial Synchronicity,‭ ‬Language Manipulation,‭ ‬Kundalini and the Corners of Reality‭”‬ is that it is biased by‭ ‬intellectual double-dealings and godlessness to its core.‭ ‬Or the author forgot to urge the readers to discern from whom the praises come.‭ ‬Perhaps thoughts of somebody telling you‭ '‬you are extremely beautiful‭' ‬come from your‭ “‬loved one.‭” ‬This point is not touched in this chapter but in the next.

Anyway,‭ ‬now for an example.‭ ‬Suppose a person who wants to become a new Tolkien,‭ ‬or the next Rowlings.‭ ‬She takes very seriously the point of building a mythopoetic universe or a bulky,‭ ‬super-popular coming of age saga.‭ ‬Suppose she wants to become like her‭ '‬idol,‭' ‬Stephen King.‭ ‬You get the point.‭ ‬Why she has to suffer the coercion to accept the idea that the dreamworld to sell,‭ ‬or deconstructed:‭ ‬the literary,‭ ‬musical,‭ ‬computer and motion picture worlds,‭ ‬do not exist‭? ‬Just because a present condition of jivan does not allow one to live it‭?


What I think of this chapter is that it is downright gross.‭ ‬After reading and rereading the chapter around half a dozen times I do not get what the author meant by it.‭ ‬Of one thing I am sure,‭ ‬I feel disappointed with the shallowness of the system of PON.‭ ‬Are you a super-urban person‭? ‬I do think you are,‭ ‬because you have very contradictory views of things while being super urban with the‭ “‬nagual reality‭” ‬all mixed.‭ ‬And I think that the value of this chapter may be only the funny,‭ '‬almost a prank'‭ ‬side of it.‭ ‬I think for moments that PON is trying to delude unaware readers with this ebook...‭ ‬I do not know.‭ ‬I think it is gross because you are touching something out of context for love.‭ ‬You take the most gross meaning of‭ “‬fight‭”‬,‭ “‬contest‭” ‬and‭ “‬sport‭”; ‬for the demonic or underdeveloped,‭ ‬the dire straits of super urbanism:‭ ‬inter-communal resentment‭? ‬After the bathos of all this super urban filler the coping mechanisms are to deny any game in the‭ “‬nagual reality‭?” ‬Beyond your super urbanism you do not seem to give hope to your readers in any way.‭

The only hope in this chapter you bestow it to love but also to a try before you buy your---sort of‭ ‬invented---coping system.‭ ‬There is no God nor demi-gods that can protect and help you of‭ "THEIR" ‬speculation‭?

‭Now I will give you an example of what I mean for the web page not being aimed to super human (buddha-hood) persons like I am. After you read the example, think at once this: if you are a person like the one in the example below, how will you develop? You have to do it 'internally' because your endeavor of protospiritual standing has to be done from other planes. By indirectly denying progress in the “nagual reality” and directly denying the struggle, PON denies the personal development that buddhas (or even of eternally conditioned souls) may have achieved through the years.

But when I say,‭ ‬for instance‭ '‬other planes‭' ‬I will not say‭ '‬dreaming‭' ‬unless for lucid dreams.‭ ‬I think the development in the‭ “‬nagual reality‭” ‬can be measured for the ability one has for having lucid dreams only,‭ ‬because the others...‭ “‬YOU KNOW.‭” ‬It is very dramatic, but this is true:‭ ‬if you have a protospiritual warfare posture towards the world then you are going to need to invest time and energy in fighting in dreams, as well as during waking life. Provided that you have the power to have lucid dreams at will.‭ ‬I am sorry if you start to see me as if I am cloning PON book.‭ ‬But not at all.‭ ‬Sorry,‭ ‬but for now---chapter‭ ‬8---I think the text is pathetically perfunctory‭; ‬and almost useless.‭ ‬The author never gave an example like this:‭

'You are a neutral,‭ ‬pan,‭ enlightened person living in a slum,‭ ‬of back-to-back houses,‭ ‬surrounded by gregarious families of troglodyte laborers who happen to be raksasas,‭ ‬uragas and other sort of demons occupying sub-human bodies.‭ ‬You are roughly surrounded by twenty-five densely tamasic (dense, ignorant, passive, demonic quality) human and sub-human coils that contain a demonic soul each.‭

And if you do not take on account the walls,‭ ‬you have them at‭ ‬ten feet,‭ ‬twenty feet of distance and so on,‭ ‬but not more than,‭ ‬say,‭ ‬forty feet.‭ ‬Meaning that the reaching out of the minds makes your minds mix.‭ ‬They victimize you, out of envy,‭ ‬resentment and jealousy.‭ ‬You try to not think of them, but they manifest,‭ ‬repulsively,‭ ‬attracting your attention and then,‭ ‬say,‭ ‬seven or eight of them,‭ ‬all at once attack you mentally:‭ ‬stealing your energy,‭ ‬thinking with your head or insidiously depriving you of sleep,‭ ‬or trying to adjudicate you their emotional flatness.'

How does one to cope with that‭? ‬Note that I am not saying that a buddha is not at a loss in a situation like this, if what she/he truly wishes is to have a good night of sleep.‭ ‬Perhaps she/he is less at a disadvantage than a conditioned soul but it may prove very annoying anyway‭! ‬If you are like the liberated person of the example and you do not enjoy living in a spiritually warring way the best thing,‭ perhaps t‬he only thing you can do to solve your situation is moving to a place with persons with whom you share love,‭ ‬roots,‭ ‬culture,‭ ‬religion or character,‭ ‬or something that makes life worthwhile.‭ ‬Or to move to a place with no people at all, until you know more in which zone of society you want to live.


If one who has a resolution,‭ ‬ideals,‭ ‬plans,‭ ‬projects and a perfect will and starts a protospiritual warfare campaign against enemies or if one,‭ ‬out of being passively among enemies,‭ ‬is caught in the middle of protospiritual quarrel and begins to be targeted with the giving up technique,‭ ‬as I was on several occasions,‭ ‬the jivanmukta is going to notice it,‭ ‬and maybe reject it,‭ ‬at once.‭ ‬But the person with a conditioned soul will have to be very careful because one of the treacherous ways they employ for this technique is the implanted thought,‭ ‬i.e.,‭ ‬making one believe that giving up the protospiritual war is one's own thought‭; ‬one's decision.‭ ‬For the jivanmukta it is clear that it is not.‭ ‬But the alienated conditioned soul accepts the thought thinking that it is her own thought.‭ ‬May also exist the case of a conditioned soul that is strong in some way like by power of its purity,‭ ‬merit or innocence.‭ ‬These sort of conditioned souls may detect the fraud also and not buy it.

These are ideas I have in my mind for the last six or seven years.‭ ‬When I read it I felt that the author was putting into words something I experienced many times and never thought of expressing it in any way‭; ‬let alone find something‭ (‬an ebook‭?) ‬written somewhere.‭ ‬Along this commentary you will note that I will examine the points of view of jivan soul and jivanmukta soul because the latter point of view was not available for this text.‭

I just want to express my feeling of chivalry,‭ ‬should I say,‭ ‬the feeling of chivalry of a‭ “‬neutral‭ ‬pan‭” ‬with sympathy for both the‭ “‬consortium‭” ‬and the‭ “‬confederate‭”‬.‭ ‬I must say that what I really felt when reading this book,‭ ‬that I read in three or so days,‭ ‬is that I was having lots of fun,‭ ‬more than reading some important instructions in a dry doctrine that I do not see how it may‭ ‬work,‭ ‬forgive me but is my‭ (‬biased‭?) ‬view.‭ ‬But I feel thankfulness towards the author of the ebook because I wanted to write something about being a jivanmukta,‭ ‬but did not know what.

Now,‭ ‬for a constructive critic of the ebook,‭ ‬I must say what I really think of it:‭ ‬I think that it is flawed for the sole point of not being written by/for‭ '‬liberated while alive persons.'‭ ‬I ought to reveal you that may exist jivanmukta persons of very young age too.‭ ‬But if you are a kid and you do not have access to knowledge being a jivanmukta kid may prove very challenging with the unease that older jivan‭ (‬humans and humanoids‭) ‬are going to give you.‭ ‬They are going to try to constantly degrade you back down again to the human platform.‭ ‬For persons like those suffering something like this is that I say that the ebook is terribly lacking more kundalinic or directly offensive entropic methods to deal with the blows of the humans and subhumans,‭ ‬if you are an illiterate and/or young jivanmukta.‭ ‬The point is that jivanmuktas are not exempt of being prey to harassing by demonic forces like psychic raksasas and other sort of demons in human bodies like you can find nowadays in myriad places of the Earth.‭ ‬By personal experience I do not feel losing energy and I do not believe any of their idiotic designs are going to be of any avail because of my jivanmukta lack of 'conditionings' and of my perfect will.‭ ‬But hell,‭ ‬it is very,‭ ‬very annoying at times.


Here comes another of the things that before reading the ebook I was already doing.‭ ‬When I needed to know how many were my mental and pseudo-spiritual enemies and concisely what‭ ‬were the speculations of each type of enemy against me,‭ ‬I made a database to classify them.‭ ‬But it was not a classification of their keywords since I never suffered the keyword method.‭ ‬The classification was of different enemies and their attitudes.‭ ‬In this‭ ‬way I counted with a resource for knowing who I needed to target in my protospiritual‭ ‬warfare works and also I did it to remind me when I had already worked out a certain class of enemy or attitude against myself,‭ ‬for dismissing it, and working another not yet worked out.‭ ‬Here below I share with you the scheme of my compartmentalization of mental and pseudo-spiritual enemies.

Attitudes:‭ ‬The attitudes I saw others had towards myself that I hated.‭

Categories:‭ ‬The social strata or caste of the enemies.‭

By Situation:‭ ‬For instance,‭ ‬enemies known by Internet.

By Place:‭ ‬Enemies that I knew where to find.‭

Those Invisible:‭ ‬Enemies that use silent,‭ ‬non-verbose methods of disturbance,‭ ‬like putting me nervous.‭

Those Repressive:‭ ‬Enemies that are insidious‭ ‬in denying me to live,‭ ‬achieve or have something.‭

Those Envious:‭ ‬Jaundiced and resented enemies that are fond of coveting what they do not have or what they do not deserve.‭

Those Repulsive:‭ ‬Enemies of whom the sole sight is a bad experience.‭

Specific Periods of My Life:‭ ‬Enemies that I knew as friends or whatever in a specific moment of my life, and then they turned out to be more my enemies than the friends I thought we were.

As an anecdote pertaining keywords, I need to share an important event of my life.‭ ‬Years ago,‭ ‬when I learnt about the Buddhist practice of going to meditate to cemeteries... I liked very much the idea and decided to do it.‭

The Buddhist purpose of meditating in a cemetery is for realizing the transitoriness of material existence.‭ ‬Still,‭ ‬I wanted to do it for meditating simply in God.‭ ‬The visits to distinct cemeteries were very much fun at first.‭ ‬I felt very much thrilled by the fanciful architecture of the different memorials I went.‭

But this succession of esthetic pleasures posed an obstacle for concentrating in the form of God I wanted to meditate upon when going to the cemeteries.‭ ‬Occasionally I tried the Buddhist approach‭; ‬meditating on the ephemeral quality of material life.‭ ‬But then something happened.‭

I started reading the tombstones and names on the crypts like reading between lines in a book.‭ ‬Soon after I started doing this I noticed that in each memorial I went there were determined areas where the reading between slabs begun to yield messages.‭ ‬The method was reading a tombstone or a crypt,‭ ‬obviating the following one,‭ ‬reading the third,‭ ‬obviating the fourth and reading the fifth.‭ ‬Reading these three names in different order and also shuffling the letters of some of the names.‭ ‬The experience always started when the first tombstone with a given name‭ ‬for some reason called my attention,‭ ‬and the third and fifth were two other names...‭ ‬that were related in some way to the idea the first slab propounded‭! ‬This was a novelty and a fancy that I cherished for some time.‭ ‬I sort of felt very much touched by the‭ '‬messages'‭ ‬I discovered.‭ ‬The point is that I felt that many of them were aimed at me,‭ ‬but do not take me for a necrophilic paranoid,‭ ‬I just want to expose the advantages of deconstruction here.‭ ‬I felt such a thrill and excitement by discovering these‭ '‬symbols'‭ ‬that I devised a method for calming myself down about the subject.‭ ‬I started going to the cemeteries with a notebook and started writing these‭ “‬symbols‭” ‬down.‭ ‬Then,‭ ‬when I had an extensive stock of them I started studying the ones that I felt I did not comprehend.‭ ‬When I researched I found more inviting knowledge,‭ ‬sometimes related to the general idea that the three signs seemed to be expounding.

These portents,‭ ‬as a whole,‭ ‬seemed to be following a pattern.‭ ‬They mainly seem to touch certain archetypes,‭ ‬like end of times era,‭ ‬the Antichrist,‭ ‬religious pictures,‭ ‬cosmic pictures,‭ messianism‬,‭ '‬reptilism‭' ‬as a subject‭; ‬these are sort of cool.‭ ‬But also others very gross like one that seemed to me to be pretending to feel like a facsimile depiction of a strange,‭ un-forgotten‬ moment of my adolescence.‭ ‬This last one I do not figure out how it could be done at all.‭ ‬It is so alluding to myself that I conclude that is too gruesome.‭ ‬Because for myself to think that in some way I could be spied mentally when I was an adolescent is no joke.‭ ‬But the sad conclusion is that it could be.‭ ‬I do not know.‭

The overall impression I have of these chimeric symbols that taught me to deconstruct is that they may be done by administrators of the cemeteries who have a great bookish knowledge and designing the disposition of tombs they want to play on the emotions of the visitors...‭ ‬to teach them something‭? ‬But to be sincere I do not think that it is only the speculations of the cemeteries‭' ‬staff.‭ ‬I think the administrators of the memorials are mere channels when they assign a determined person to a tomb in particular.‭


The author was right,‭ ‬in my case‭ "THEY" ‬labeled this page:

‭“Sorry, the page you requested was not found.”


For starters,‭ ‬I will not use the brain damaging word‭ "‬backstage‭" ‬in this commentary.‭ ‬I will refer to it using other of the words that the author used for it.‭ ‬I will use‭ "‬nagual reality.‭"


When I am speculated upon I never think of using the method propounded by the ebook to react to the speculations.‭ ‬The method of not recognizing their speculation.‭ ‬But thank you,‭ ‬seems good enough to implement it.‭ ‬I think it is a good coping mechanism.‭ ‬Yet,‭ ‬the method I use to react to these speculations is‭ ‬simply thinking‭ ‬that for being a jivanmukta none of their bad wishes or arguments of my incapability for having something are true,‭ ‬nor that they will determine or condition my life.‭ ‬And also thinking that these mental arguments are just a product of their jaundiced,‭ ‬envious,‭ ‬resented lack of fortune or lack of power to do or have what they envy.‭ ‬These sort of rejections if not the method of not thinking nothing at all about their negativity and/or simply ignoring them.


I found that instinctively I did the deconstruction that the ebook propounds.‭ ‬Later on I have read somewhere that a person pursuing a dharmic,‭ ‬vedic and/or tantric way of life has,‭ ‬as a duty,‭ ‬to be different to the common persons that surround him/her.‭ ‬When I lived in orient I did not need to live a life of protospiritual warfare.‭ ‬But in the west when protospiritual and psychic war ensued I found always very easy to free myself from these time wasting mental speculations of others perpetrated on myself by means of the inherent differences of culture and philosophy of life we had,‭ ‬i.e.,‭ ‬the contrast between a person pursuing the philosophy of oriental tantrism surrounded by barbarians that in the best of the cases profess a sort of western,‭ ‬godless secularism‭; ‬if it is that they really have a philosophy of life at all.

It is true, mental crooks,‭ ‬through their "characters",‭ ‬"THEY label,‭ ‬categorize,‭ ‬reduce,‭ ‬classify and compartmentalize your reality all the time.‭ ‬THEY define and describe your reality for you.‭"

Now,‭ ‬in the web book,‭ ‬starts another of the propounded methods for coping with the things‭ “‬THEY‭” ‬do to their victims I will not comment on these methods of mentalization and visualization since I do not need them‭; ‬being a jivanmukta invested with spiritual weapons galore.‭ ‬If you are one also,‭ ‬you will know what I mean by‭ ‬spiritual weapons.‭