Saturday, November 23, 2013

Hello Again

My personal singularity: getting rid of the last knots of lack of organization in my life, it took me more than one year and only now I feel able to return to blogging.

In the personal war for organizing more than one decade of compulsive hoarding, a war that even took me around the world to complete, I have forgotten to post, the last year, what I thought it would happen in 2012, which of course was nothing like what all doomsayers had to say, this was written in march 2010, and I was planning to post it before 12/24/12:

After researching theories and predictions (most of them cataclismic) for 2012 and many other related subjects (anti-christ, second coming of Christ, false prophet, aliens, etc) I developed a personal view on what will happen in 2012. This view has no scientific nor theological basis whatsoever, but it resulted good to me for speculating with what will happen and to answer to myself the question if the future is going to be dangerous or not.

What I personally think may happen in 2012 is that the inhabitants of the earth will come to terms with the mental, moral, corporal, spiritual and social conditioning imposed on them for the last two-thousand years. For what I have read, there are secret societies that plan to play a false theological drama in a global scale. Note that I say "plan (or planned) to play" and not "will play"... the idea, more or less, is (was) of these secret societies   bilderbergerz, Illuminati et al) presenting the people of the earth with their chosen "antichrist, new Christ and false prophet"... but my personal view consists precisely in the possibility of the people of this planet taking consciousness about the scam and then seeing things as they really are. Personally, I think that the christians and catholics religion are just a false belief and so are their archetypes of "second coming of Christ, Anti-Christ and False Prophet."

I have discussed this theory with some people on the net and couldn't do other thing than revealing to them some of the sources of the knowledge that enabled me to arrive to my own conclusions. Most of the occasions I was disparaged. Yeah, I know that many (who have read the same books that I) will think that I am very much influenced by Icke. Others may try to debunk all my speculations based on the sole fact that I am revealing that Icke is one of the principal sources and tools I used to sort out a lot of research on the same subjects that he touches that I was already doing for the last few years. No problem with that, if you want to oppose me for knowing what I used to think what I think you are invited to do so... me too, I reserve to myself all the rights to believe ALL of Icke... Now for my personal view:

What I think is the following, after thousands of years of stories of Christ and the Devil, as Icke puts it, a great percentage of people on this planet is morbidly obsessed with myths that are simply not true and even childish, like the existence of a second Christ that will come (again, Professor Icke, did the historic Jesus existed at all? "No he didn't") and of an anti-christ to led humanity astray... the difficult fact with this 'singularity' is that even though the anti-christ is an invention, the possibilities for somebody to be born on earth to give others the impression of being the anti-christ and
to feel himself as the anti-christ were clearly prepared by the church and secret societies in collaboration; in a secret work spanning centuries. I say clearly because it is so for me after my research, the important point is that this thirst of knowledge about this topic was a consequence of knowing a person, a friend, who fits in the archetype of an incarnate Satan, he does it in his persona in general and even in his looks, having a face reminiscent of the Satan of William Blake.

But What can you expect of a religion that intends to rule the earth based in a doctrine of lies worshiping a stolen god? Simply that, the (frustrated) attempt to start a new dark age based in a world-wide armed conflict using this invention of the anti-christ as a guideline! Or just the fear of such global conflict as cause for the imposition of a one-world dictatorship... Concluding, what the religions and the secret societies think? Do they believe that whoever they choose to act their degenerate characters are stupid? That they are incapacitated to go deep into the knowledge they always tried to supress? I do not know if they choose a single anti-christ, 2nd christ and false-prophet or if they have many alternative versions of the same. I, for one, I recognize myself as being one along with one of my best friends, poor pseudo-Satan incarnate that was always shown to me as my worst enemy... why?

I do not know the psychological state of other persons who are led to believe that they are Satan or Christ in the flesh, but some of us are sound mentally and we may let you thinking in the unseen sides of this question, so I tell you what I think, in 2012 many persons on this planet will be acquainted with this attempt to structure their minds with the puerile gospel of christ's 2nd coming, and it may turn out quite unfavorably for the promoters of the scam because the people will realize all the defects and aberrations of prison-religions in general if they understand the persons that fit these archetypes that have the consciousness necessary to communicate this delusional mental structuring because they searched for answers very deep, not being able to buy the legend of 2nd Christ-Satan and found that not only the anti-christ, but Jesus and the church itself are all inventions. So the singularity of 2012 will be that the people of the earth will accept with love and comprehension all the pseudo Satans and pseudo Second Christs that are awakened and do not agree to act the characters imposed on them. Moreover, the church will lose its power, many churches will end up being sold for any other purpose and
the westerners will adopt eastern religions.

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