Monday, July 24, 2017

Things Can Only Get Worse

Things were always better in the good old days.

It’s a law of life on earth and of human civilization, not an idiom or a relative idelogy that is waiting to be debated/debunked.

I wonder how much of an advantage do I have knowing that the degrading of reality as time goes by is an inevitable fact and not a possibility that can be averted. Knowking that is also saddening, a heavy load.

Monday, July 3, 2017

One Month off Fags


Three days ago, on Friday the 30th, 2017, it was one month since I smoked a cigarette for the last time.

With my old vape pen and my new RTA and mod I am managing and devolving a vice that I was slave to for a quarter century.

I confess that I think that cigarettes are okay, but I’m not really jonesing for them anymore. I’m disregarding any thoughts about them since the first week.