Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Fancifulness of Certain Found Texts

After reading some of the seriously and professionally written books of Wheeler and Springmeier and David Icke: "The Illuminati Formula To Create a Totally Mind Controlled Slave", "The Rothschild Dynasty" and "The Biggest Secret." Goaded by these and by this, relatively new to me, branch of knowledge about aliens intermingling with earthlings I found a wealth of reading material about the same subject around the net.

My experience with these sorts of esoteric literature about aliens, until these books, was actually kinda scanty. As a kid I read some cheap books about UFOs and aliens that these books called “our superior brothers” that were bought in a provincial, new age, esoteric bookshop that was nearby an, allegedly, UFO entrance to hollow earth. Now Icke has clarified my total ignorance about the foundations of these "new age operations." He says that it is all about mind control behind a mask of new age cults.

But that is not all, five years ago I have read one of those books supposedly deserving some trust about what they are and tell. The book was "Alien Identities" by Richard L. Thompson. Until the books I was reading lately, I had a very structured and slight idea of who the aliens were. The idea I had, that was revealed to me by "Alien Identities", was that the grays were denizens of the hellish planets (of the Hindu universe) who found a way of escape and that is why they (from the Hindu point of view) aren't contemplated as real beings but as mere intergalactic entropy, instead.

Another enlightening book that I have read on these topics was "The Cosmic Hierarchy", three or so months ago. This one I find it very much in the vein of "Alien Identities". But the focus of the subjects on these books are very different to those I have found lately; few weeks ago. These new texts I have read are: "The Alien Allegory," "ARTIFICIAL SYNCHRONICITY, LANGUAGE MANIPULATION, KUNDALINI AND THE CORNERS OF REALITY" "Organic Portals Theory" and I am reading now "
Matrix Agents - Profiles And Analysis." I never expected to find something like it. It is a book-length text by two persons, Less Than Zero and Piece-of-nothing (PON from now on) carries very much truth as much ignorance in the theories that it propounds. To begin with, they do not contemplate at any point the existence of enlightened persons. They put in the same bag those who can hear and speak with their minds with those that are integrally awakened.

In general, these four latter texts I am naming do not take on account the 'liberated while living' doctrine. This degrades the persons who, by means of a mystical experience, obtained liberation and are above all the type of persons treated in these texts. The mentally deaf-mute, "soulless" and/or "sleeping" persons and “awakened” ones. I put awakened between quotes because I am afraid that in the way they use the word awakened it is in very western way. Plainly, they call awakened those who can hear or speak with their minds. To use their own terms: those who are aware that the "BACKSTAGE REALITY" exists. And those without this capability are "sleeping souls." These four texts taken as a single body appear to be propounding that.

About "Artificial Synchronicity" In Particular

Being an awakened person I feel insulted because although much of the knowledge exposed in "Artificial Synchronicity" I accept as true, the book seems to be written by conditioned souls and for conditioned souls. Not by real exponents of liberation, as it should have been. I wanna write a very in depth analysis of this book. It is one of the few that has awakened in me the desire of doing so. I do not mean that I wanna do it for finding the errors of two conditioned souls that took a wrong path for freeing themselves. If that is what the authors are; I don't know them. But the sad true is that the image Zero Left and Piece-of-nothing give about their doctrine is of them trying to invent a cult, beyond all cults, for dealing with "THEIR" emotional and energetic crooks.

I can assure you that I am what I say I am, an awakened person. To back me up is the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali system of philosophy. I mean that if it is that I blatantly announce myself as a liberated while living person it is because I lived the nirvikalpa samadhi that liberates one of samsara, karma and spiritual, mental and material bondage in general. You have only my word for it. I do not need to prove nothing to anybody. The only proof I can give is telling you where I felt insulted reading "Artificial Synchronicity".

"Artificial Synchronicity" separates the forces of the universe in two factions: the "Consortium of Dragonia" and the "Confederate of Nirvana." Then it starts to indoctrinate the reader in the evils these two forces infuse in humanity and in him/her with a total shallowness pertaining transcendental ways to cope with “THEIR” control and brainwashing. The books calls “THEM” to both sides (dragonia and nirvana). The book continues with the idea of one having to cope with the mental, spiritual and social blows of “THEM” by means of a system the two authors propound. The system consists in rejecting brainwashings, mental implants and programs and synchronizations and labeling them mentally with mental speech phrases, categorizing them. If there is a shorter way to insanity than something like this, please lemme know.

Yet, I see "Artificial Synchronicity" as a beautiful gift of the authors to humanity. I think they tried to accomplish a great work of helping humanity with it. I liked it very much until certain point. I share the view of “THEM” constantly speculating about determined persons on Earth. It surprises me when I see how, some years before reading this ebook, I was already practicing deconstruction methods like PON propounds as a remedy to "THEIR" brainwashing. The only difference is that after assimilating “THEIR” speculations I processed them in a determined way. Not of erasing them from my reality or memory or decrying it null and void, far from it.
I tried to transmute “THEIR” speculations and spit them out as pearls.

The things that the ebook tells about the aliens themselves are very hard to believe. The credibility I could have in those things... ended; because I begun to feel indoctrinated by the book about the three type of humans treated on it. Those siding for Nirvana, those who side for "Dragonia" and those neutral.

"Artificial Synchronicity" never considers nobody siding for a God/Godess/Supreme Being beyond this earth. What can you expect of it revealing or giving you as a coping tool something like the knowledge of a God and His consort living somewhere in this earth. No, it is just that everybody has a formless Superior Being inside and that will do? Besides, "Dragonia" and Nirvana have developed "Control Centers" on earth while God, if it is true that He/She/It exists, He/She/It is unreachable? They do not give their readers the hope of the possibility of somebody like, say, Lord Shiva or Ridgen. Hundred of millions of shaivas can't go wrong when they believe Shiva lives in this earth along them. But Zero and PON do not give any really transcendental alternative to their readers although the (purported) contenders of the reader are. At least those from Nirvana. This was not news for me. I learned many years before the treacherousness of inorganic beings. Even of those that ares supposed to be good, like devas. Not of firsthand, but in books. Swami Sivananda, if my memory serves me, for one that speaks about this.

The book goes on telling ways one can lose energy. Nowhere it specifies that there exists more states above those three it exposes; of people who, for being awakened, never lose energy in the massive way conditioned souls do. I remember when I was a conditioned soul; I have the best example with it and it will serve me here to give you the idea of what I mean by massive ways of losing energies. Before my illumination I was extremely sick with several auric diseases. First of all I lived in a constant state of panic as soon as I stepped out of my house. It was provoked for the only reason of I being among strangers. Anyway, inside my home I lived also moments of severe panic, even to the point of feeling the particular moment of auric death that Aldous Huxley calls “misterium tremendum.” in his book "The Doors of Perception", feeling that I was a completely alone soul in a world created only as a hell for my punishing, with everybody and everything being just like a software programmed to chastise me. I had a pathological and constant dissociation. I could barely sense other planes of consciousness but I had access denied to them. I was a victim of many things named in "Artificial Synchronicity." I can assure you that for a conditioned soul the constant blows of society can be serious drainers of life force. I share the concept Zero and PON have of linguistic prisoner. I actually was one. Lemme tell you. I worked in a factory as laborer for two months in early 1997; at twenty. I was still a conditioned soul back then. The point is that everyday, or almost everyday it looked as if one of the chiefs delighted in irrupting suddenly in the workshop we were working because the radio was going to give the illusion of supporting his position of power in that factory in some way. And many, many of the times the illusion of the synchronization with the mental subliminal message of “you're just my lowly paid slave” reinforced by what the radio said (most commonly the curtain, like “radio chain 'whatever'” and such, but in fact just another double meaning) I witnessed, but I was amused more than puzzled or troubled by it.

What was a real trouble for myself in those days of being conditioned were the implanted thoughts on myself I suffered and witnessed. I learned that I was being brainwashed by society when a thought in my mind wanted to appear as if I was thinking it,but in the deeper layers of my being I knew very well that the thought was ridicule and it was being implanted on me by someone else. Take for instance 'I should cut my hair and go to work like anyone else.' as an implanted thought when I am very sure I will never cut my hair nor shave my beard anymore and I will live a bohemian life. Even the slanderous defamation of my person when I was not a conditioned soul anymore. I suffered constant bombardments against my psyche with the groundless implanted doubt of having a terminal disease. You can figure out what desidious situations I may have lived being as a, so called, eternally conditioned, source of life person. Still, all the other things are quite a lot of suffering I had to experience before being what I am now.

These were the things: brainwashing, linguistic prison, implanted thoughts, dissociation, morbid fear to public exposure, dissolution of belongings, destruction of hardware by acts of god, constant panic attacks and paranoid attacks!

And when I finally was awakened I, one day like two or three months after my awakening, meditating while being connected telepathically to some friends, I asked, “If when I was asleep, if you had this mental meetings (like the one we are living now), where was I.” their response was of surprise, like saying “You were asleep? We thought that you were awake.” In the next moment I felt possessed by an alter-ego of myself acting like I would act in one of those mental meetings of the past when I wasn't awakened. I mean that I experienced like a double of myself, like feeling and hearing in my mind a clone of myself that used pieces of speech I also used, but rearranged in a way never heard nor spoken by me.

So to speak... these “books”, specially "Artificial Synchronicity" are kind of food for thought, but I will need to be careful because being an illumined, an awakened, I see the book as if it's written by conditioned souls and for conditioned souls... and I feel I want to seek, find and point its flaws ruthlessly and with malice. I will try to be constructive instead.

Concluding, the book is very interesting and very amusing with the fanciful way it has to explain things... what will follow in this blog will be my personal in-depth analysis of it chapter by chapter.

Steady Vice Involution Begun

It happened. I resorted to herbal alternatives when I was able to do it, and I succeeded. The gathering stage of the process took some few months. But with patience the day when I found myself in possession of nicotiana glauca, lobelia erinus, smilax aspera, valeriana officinalis, hypericum perforatum, ginko bilova and passiflora caerulea came, I knew that I was ready to begin. I begun the 1st of September and could transplant my addiction to cigarettes to rolling and smoking herbal cigarettes.

What I needed to do was to accept that I was not going to be able to quit without some help. At least until my molecular structure regenerates entirely; ie: three years after quitting tobacco. Hence, I needed something for these upcoming three years of vice involution. Some of the herbs I assessed I will need I was already using them. Concisely, they are for the following:

I mixed Nicotiana glauca, known as tree tobacco plus lobelia erinus and they are used as smoking mixture, smilax aspera is in charge of blood purification, valeriana officinalis and passiflora caerulea are the sleep inducing helpers and hypericum perforatum is in charge of dealing with depression.

Since I stopped I have not bought no more cigarettes; except for the last Saturday when I run out of rolling papers. I will buy many rolling papers in advanced as to be able to cope with the thought of “I am quitting and not touchings cigs for many days at a stretch, now that I ran out of rolling papers I can buy a box of luckies and it will make no difference...” because no shop sells rolling papers in my neighborhood. BUT NO, I do not want to fall in this surrendering reasoning again. I am very serious about quitting industrial tobacco smoking.